Export morphs from Daz to C4D

So I'm trying to export a simple pose morph from Daz to C4D, but I get bad results with my imported FBX… I've attached a screen grab which more or less shows what's happening. The figure mesh is being deformed by both the joints/bones and the C4D Pose Morph tag and there's some bad deformation happening with the fingers and feet… Is there no way to just bake the morph on export from Daz to point cached geometry, such as an Alembic file. Maybe there's a way to fix this is C4D, but the Pose Morph has so many animated paramters it would be a real pain the backside to figure out what's going wrong here.

Screen Shot 2020-04-10 at 12.20.15.png
2228 x 2244 - 2M


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,461
    edited April 2020

    I suspect that there are joint adjsutemnts in the morph (which is it) and that they are no being picked up through the FBX to C4D - as a result the joint centres are in the wrong place relative to the emsh and so you get this distortion. I suspect you'd see much the same in DS if you reloaded the shape as just a plain morph, without any of the rigging adjustments.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
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