Fit to... after Transfer utility induces an offset

ZetstruZetstru Posts: 6

Hey there,

I'm new to content creating, I'm trying to create some heeled shoes so I followed this video for the rigging part

The problem is, after I use the Transfer utility my model is offseted or morphed a little, as you can (barely) see in the attached pictures. I tracked down the issue to be linked to the "Fit to..." part of the transfer because if I don't do it the shoes stay in place.

I modeled around the same posed Genesis 8 I'm using for the Transfer utility (with no morphs) so I really don't understand why this is happening (i'm doing the JCM trick detailed in the video too).

Is there something i'm missing in the process? The video is for Genesis 3 so I don't know if there is something different with G8?

Thanks in advance for any help :)


Edit : Nevermind I found that a random body morph was applied to the shoes when I fit it to my Genesis 8 (don't know why cause it's not active on the genesis).

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1050 x 901 - 213K
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