Predatron LoREZ - Knights and Vikings - normal Medieval people

A suggestion for Predatron.
-What about LoREZ Knights and Vikings and medieval people (male/female) for all these medival and viking sets here at the daz store?
-LoREZ weapon sets (swords - spears - axes and so on)?
-LoREZ - Poses?
What is LoREZ
LoREZ : People, Animals, Tools
very very good for huge scenes or backround, if you convert them into SubD they are also good for foreground placement, sometimes you have to adjust the skin textures a bit (glossiness and specular values) but these people have a lot of morphs and shapes while not uses much resources of your machine.
I have loretta and lorenzo, plus the monk and the cardinal and the police officers and some tool sets
here is an example, LoREZ Lorenzo and Monk plus LoREZ sickle all converted into SubD.
'Low resolution'. Basically, the opposite of HD, to allow for excessively populating scenes with them randomly in the background, without soaking up too much processing power during renders. :)
Was elated to discover many can be both posed and morphed with expressions, just like any other figure can be.
I've had good luck with V4 and M4 poses on the Lorez figures, including Poser format mocaps like from Eclipse Studios (e.g. "Body Language"). A big plus for short animations.
Seconded. I would particularly like to be able to build medieval crowds for marketplace scenes. Day 1 purchase for sure.
so here is a wishlist:
- LoRez Vikings (male and female)
-LoRez Knights (different uniforms)
-LoRez Medieval People (male and female)
-LoRez Homo Erectus (male and female - male with gens)
-LoRez WW II Soldiers and Officers with different uniforms (german, us, russian, british and so on)
-LoRez Zombies (more various then LoRez Lorenzo - maybe nude ones)
-LoRez roman legionnaire soldiers (different uniforms)
-LoRez nurse (today and for wwII)
-LoRez nun
-LoRez pirates
-LoRez Caribbean natives (male and female)
-LoRez Soldiers from the british empire (with these red uniforms and different hats these white topic types and these black bearskin hats)
(like these from the movies pirates of the caribbean)
-LoRez France Soldiers from the same age as the british ones.
would be nice to know if predatron have read this :)
Soldiers in general, really. The sheer number of uniforms and badges and so forth, for all different types from World War Two, would be prohibitive, though (artillery, desert, etcetera). Would definitely love top be able to populate scenes with Nazi SS for superhero and fantasy fan-art which is canonically based in World War Two, though ('Indiana Jones', 'Bloodrayne' and so on). Not sure if creating Nazi-themed stuff might be against the Daz Studio terms of service, however.
Alternatively, if they'd just be generic low-resolution figures, I'd also request some for modern-day (US, UK, Russian, Chinese and, for Cold War settings, Soviet Union, would probably cover most bases for insignia material options) or even armoured 'Halo'-type figures for futuristic settings.
A bunch of really weird and different low-resolution Lovecraftian alien creatures would be excellent to have, too.
Seconding the request for nuns! I have a few religious-themed renders set in convents which the presently-available monks (which I have) would not be applicable for. Possibly a Mother Superior to go along the presently-available Cardinal, too.
Low-resolution robots, perhaps? No reason you couldn't go wild and give them two sets of arms and weapons and so forth, if they're low-resolution. Making them look armoured would do away with the need to model individual pistons and hydraulics.
I agree, soldiers (and knights) and also normal people of different centuries and ages for huge scenes where crowds are needed.
roman legionnaires for example and maybe some enemies of the roman empire in as LoRez would also be great, also like vikings and knights and so ( for siege-stories, tournaments, robin hood stories, and so on) together with some normal medieval people, would also be great to have some different soldiers from the Napoleonic times (british, frensh, russian, german).
Just thought I'd pop my head around the corner and see what's happening.
I'm really pleased that you see a use for the LoREZ figures, and yes there should be more on the way this year after a brief hiatus while I was concentrating on other things. I have just completed an update to the LoREZ14MU Worker and also built a separate female version, these are also the first sets to have separate DAZ Studio files as well as Poser, so eventually I will include DUF's and CR2's for other sets in the future.
I originally designed the LoREZ range because I use to love building big scenes with lots of figures, and back then which was in the days of Victoria 3 and Michael 3 my computer would groan if I have more than 4 figures in one scene. So it was a case of multiple renders and compositing in photoshop. So I decided to build some very low resolution figures to help populate the background of my scenes, and eventually I came up with Lorenzo and Loretta.
I do have a number of LoREZ products in the works, some of which have been mentioned here, particularly the medieval stuff. And I really the idea of soldiers, both modern and WWII.
I apologise if I am not around much here on the forum, because I very rarely have time to visit, working too hard!! It's always best to contact me through my website at I'll try to keep update on this forum post though.
Thanks for the interest.
Would just like to offer up my praise for the LoREZ 14 MU Worker. I'm a big fan of these models, but particularly that set, as it allows me to have as many scientist/bio-hazard suits as I like, should they be necessary. :) The only criticism I can think of for it is that it's exclusively male, but that's relatively trivial.
In short, thank you for your past work on these and I, for one, will be eagerly awaiting your next in this line.
Hopefully this female version should be out fairly soon.
Oh, my gosh! Thank you! Instant purchase!
Love the little internal helmet light you've put in there. :)
My requirement is for some Lorez female figures with fantasy and historical gowns. Something like Cute3d's Princess, My Princess and Queen gowns.
Many thanks,
Wow, thats cool! :)
And I agree with the other users, Knights and some kind of Vikings or Barbarians would be an instant purchase.