Render service?

I'm new here so if I say something stupid or obvious, I apologize in advance.
I'm starting with real animation for the first time (I did a lot of machinema in 2005-2006). The first thing I've noticed is that rendering can take a long time, even on a fairly decent system. It occurred to me that it would be possible to have identical content stored on a server farm and then upload the farm a tokenized description of the camera angles, movements, etc. desired in the shot, have the server break it into separate renders or segments, create the video files, which would then be available for download and subsequent video editing. In other words, you'd offload the renders so that you can do other tasks while they render. Plus a big server farm could do the renders in a fraction of the amount of time it would take even if I had my own dedicated boxes.
Again, if somebody has already created a service like this, I apologize for being obtuse.