Login failed

marcelloXmarcelloX Posts: 10

Ok, I guess that this topic has been covered many times, but I guess also that most times it was treated like a personal eventuality, each time with its own specific motivations: besides, the amount of matches is huge and cannot scope down each thread to scrutiny the "solution", which imho must be found once forever by daz crew...

I'm on win10. Changed also the password here, but still getting the "login failed" error.

Post edited by marcelloX on


  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232

    Did you try getting at the forums through an e-mail alert link, then login from there? That's what I had to do the other day — second time in a month the site's glitched out on me logging in the usual way.

  • marcelloXmarcelloX Posts: 10
    edited April 2020

    Hi Kitty, not sure what you mean, sorry.

    I meant that I'm unable to connect to my account from DAZ studio. The password is right (it is the same with which I login in this site), but everytime I hit the login button I get a small prompt "login failed" (the one on the pic), which btw is different from the one I get whan the password is really wrong.

    Senza titolo-1.png
    681 x 746 - 78K
    Post edited by marcelloX on
  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232

    Ah, OK, I thought you meant logging in to the store or forums.

    I don't work in DAZ|Studio online, so I don't know anything about this. The only thing I can suggest is opening a support ticket.

    • click on "Contact Us" at the bottom of this page, then click the "Submit A Ticket" button (might have to scroll down a bit to see the buttons)
    • click on the white "Sign In" button in the top corner. WAIT until your name appears, this is taken from your forums login. If you don't wait long enough or skip this step, you'll go through one of those unreadable capcha things, which give many people serious problems
    • fill in all the boxes that make sense (some of them won't apply to your problem). The "Description" box is the most important. Explain clearly, mention your Windows and D|S versions, and try not to comment on side issues, it can confuse things
    • click the "Submit" button at the bottom.

    You should get an auto acknowledgement e-mail within a day, and a real-live-person e-mail a few days after that. Although the Support department is a bit busy right now, so it might be longer.

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