Skeleton + Internal Organs + Muscles + Brain for G2M/G2F

I would love to see an updated version of Skeletons, Internal Organs, Brains, and Muscle Morphs/Maps for Genesis 2 Males and Females! It was nice having all that for the Generation 4 Michael and Victoria figures, but now it's time to update!
With Daz Studio now able to use HD and having the Genesis/Genesis 2 technology, it seems like it should be possible, and it would be great to have an updated anatomy for the new Genesis 2 figures (maybe even compatible with Genesis).
No "maybe" about it, a Genesis version of all the current anatomical bits would definitely go straight into a lot of carts. I've tried a few times to convert the V4/M4 versions to Genesis, but never with a great amount of success — Autofit doesn't seem to know what to do with anything designed to go inside the DAZ people. Has anyone actually managed it?
BTW, the one exception is the muscles; as this is entirely textures, the current Gen2 loaders and converters for V4/M4 should be all you'd need. I think.
True, but I think updated maps would be better...HD versions that actually would look like they were made for Genesis/Genesis 2 figures and fit perfectly.
Updated maps would be nice as well — I just looked, and the texture files themselves are easily big enough, about the same size I think as the old V4-era Elite textures, but the amount of detail could be improved.
One major show-stopper, though. Can anyone actually use the V4 muscle maps in D|S4.6? The displacement settings work perfectly well in D|S3 (I just tried) but in 4.6 the distortion is downright hideous. Reminded me a bit of those "homunculus" figures scaled to show the density of touch-sensitive nerves over the human body. Not really surprising, though, since the Displacement setting for most of the body is +/- fourteen centimetres! Never noticed that before. I think I'll put in a bug report, this should definitely not be happening.