"Creating a category from" doesn't work in a few minor cases

I'm creating various categories and sub-categories to organize my library. I stumbled upon a tiny but annoying problem:

A few minor items I cannot move into the new categories. For example "New York Style dress". If I right klick->Create category from>Selected Folder & Subfolders, most of it's content will show under the category as intended. But there are also a few materials inside the folder that won't move. I also can't copy and paste them... they simply won't appear in categories.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,551

    What does the metadata say? Right-click on the source folder with the problematic files and select "Edit Metadata". Click on a file in the top section of the dialog and check which categories it is in on the bottom section.. I have seen this (very rarely) in the past where the icons didn't show up, but the metadata has it in the new category.

  • BaudolinoBaudolino Posts: 13

    Sorry for the late reply! I checked the metadata and the file is not inside the category folder.

    I also checked the original folder and there it is.

    So the product can't be copied into a category... at least on my computer...


  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,551

    Check the metadata from the original folder, it should have something for the items that don't appear in the custom category. The target folder will only list what it has.

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,551

    Okay, this just happened to me with an update to a product I had. A couple if items in the package installed to the correct place, but would not show in a custom category. I found that the items in question were not defined as assets in the metadata file, so were not included in the Product, as defined in the database, so had no reference to use. Check the alphabetical Products view to see if those missing parts are actually included. If not, the metadata needs correcting. You can edit the metadata file (in runtime/support) to see if the missing parts are properly defined as assets (path, filename, content type, etc.) like all the other items. A help ticket will be required to get it corrected for everyone's benefit.

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