Install manager glitch?
I ordered the free player for LAMH. When I try to download it, I get "The account referenced is not set up in Install Manager". I have received this message with other downloads, but when I ignored it and x'd out of the error message, the download has shown up and gone through. No luck with this product. It doesn't seem to be on my computer. Where would it show up if I already had it? I'm trying to create a long haired cat and don't see any options to apply the hair.
Thanks ahead of time.
Maybe this is covered already, but I can't figure out how to search the topic.
If DIM installed it, it will appear in the Installed tab. Set your Sort Order to 'Install Date : Recent First' and it should be at the top of the list
If it is there, select it, then right click, and select 'Show Installed files', that should give you the file location that it was installed to.
If it is installed, it will appear in DAZ Studio under the Create menu as 'Attach Look at My Hair Preset'.
Thanks. I DID have the player already, but apparently no presets? Guess I have to read the manual.
Also, the error message seems to come up because I'm trying to download new items too soon. The system seems to need a few minutes before it is able to send stuff my way.