How do I "bake" a simulation ?

Sorry if this is an obvious one, but I can't seem to locate an answer to my issue. I want to do two separate dforce cloth simulations, each independent of the other, and not using frames (other than standard simulation mode). After the first simulation I want to freeze the object into that shape before I do the next simulation. The only way I can figure out how to do this is to export the first sim as an object and reload it, but it seems to me I should be able to freeze the object so it is not affected by the second simulation. I tried changing the object properties to static, but when I clear the sim it returns to the original (pre-sim) shape. Thanks.


  • In the Parameters pane, with the dForce item(s) selected, there should be a Freeze Simulation button. You can also, in the current Public Build (beta) select the dForce items you want to simulate and the things you want them to collide with and use the Simulate Selected command from the Simulation Settings pane's option menu (the lined button in the top corner, or right-click the tab).

  • Thanks for info. I went back and re-tried the freeze sim button on the first object, but when I create and set a new cloth object to dforce and select simulate, the first object still resets to initial shape. (I'm using 4.12) I'll assume this is a bug and will resort to export/import .obj unless there is a better optiion. My project requires a negative gravity for the first object with many changes to the default fabric structure, then a positive G with different fabric structure colliding with the first. I need to fine tune the first simulation and then "bake" it before the second one is attempted.

  • Does it stay reset, or does it just reset while the simulation is running?

  • I re-ran the simulation and discovered the following: When the first simulation is complete and the "Freeze Simulation" attribute is set, the second simulation appears to run just fine as the first sim holds it's shape. But a "clear" simulation will reset both, which for me was unexpected behavior. Therefore, if I only use the simulate button it appears to work just as I would have expected. But I'm sure I'll slip up and clear the sim to reset the second sim cloth to get it out of the way. The fix is to restart the sim, then abort it so it is in the reset shape. Seems to me the clear button should only clear unfrozen sim assets. IMHO. Anyhow - Thanks - you helped me understand what I need to do.

  • In my way,you can copy the scene and separately sim them in two diffent time,and last,merge the scene.i think it work.

  • don't use the big blue clear sim button, with the individual item selected you can find in the simulations settings pane the options menu (three lines in the top corner)

    from that you will find the option to clear simulation of selected item.

  • Sorry to revive this old thread but it seems to me the invisibke items remain invisible to the simulation too.

  • SpaciousSpacious Posts: 481
    edited November 2021

    It sounds like what you want to do is run the sim, export geometry as OBJ, reimport as a morph, and then run a second sim.  There's not really going to be any easy way to connect the two parts together.  You're going to have to save part one and part two as seperate scenes, and if you're trying to d animate the whole thing, you're going to have to render part one and two seperately and combine with a video editor.  Overall it's easier than it sounds.  Hope this helps.

    Edit : I didn't realize this was an older thread when I typed my response.

    Post edited by Spacious on
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