Spin/rotate dforce gravity to left/right

I wanna make the request to the dev's, if they could create some kind of "checkbox" that the gravity of dforce can be toggled from up/down to left/right. with positive/negative values.
So I don't have to rotate my char or object first to let it wirk and dont have to use a wind node, because I don't got really good results with wind node so far.
and... just in case, because I had the experience, that peoples start quick screaming NOO dont!
uhm... why NO? if you dont need this, just dont activate the feature, but I want that please.
or maybe someone make it as script for the shop, dforce gravity control? I don't know...
with rotating a perosn I get much times problems with my timeline, unanimate scripts "can" work, but not always.
As I said, i'm also willed to pay for it as feature maybe or bring it just as little checkbox.
Let the hate begin.
A little update, maybe its possible for someone to script it or maybe its possible for the DazStudio Devs to create it.
A Wheel/ball where you can control from where the gravity comes, like the wind node, but just to control the entire gravity, would help to dforce some stuff without the need of rotating a character to let it work.
Like if a character is flat laying on the belly, and the shirt should blow up (like for a massage, that someone moved it up), the best way would be atm. to rotate the character to let it dropp down, but with a rotateable Dforce "ball" you could simply say the gravity pushes all to the right or to the left.