[SOLVED] DAZ File->Send to ZBrush, crash since update to ZBrush 2020

hansolocambohansolocambo Posts: 649

Hi there, 

I've been using for a while the very useful File->Send to ZBrush option one can get from the store (GoZ for DAZ Studio) to create morphs.

Everything worked fine until I decided yesterday to update my ZBrush 2019 to the latest update of 2020 (1.1).

Since then : when I'm in DAZ and I send a single mesh (Base Resolution, Subdivision set to 0 as usual) to ZBrush using the GoZ plugin : ZBrush computes for a few seconds then crashes. 

I tried many times, with different DAZ meshes, from a clean scene, etc. Nothing worked :( 

Did someone else also encountered that problem since ZBrush update ? 'Cos there's a way to use the old way (Edit->Object->Morph Loader Pro) but it's often giving very weird results. 


Post edited by hansolocambo on


  • smaker1smaker1 Posts: 275


    I made a clean-up of my previous versions (2018 and 2019) and it didn't work with 2020. The only solution I found was to reinstall 2018 version (the first version I used with Goz) to make it work again. As I only use goz to modify existing geometries 2018 is enough.  

    Not a tech guy to know what's the trouble (checked the DS/GOZ versions, check the path in Zbrush, ...)


  • hansolocambohansolocambo Posts: 649
    edited February 2020

    Hi Smaker1,

    thanks for sharing your experience. I always clean-up (Revo Uninstaller) any older version of anything before installing a new one.

    So I got rid of ZBrush 2020.1.1. I re-installed the latest version of ZBrush (no need to go down to 2018) that I knew worked perfectly with the "GoZ for DAZ Studio" plugin for DAZ : ZBrush 2019.1.2

    And... same issue now ! I've been working with DAZ 4.12 + ZBrush 2019.1.2  for a few months with back-and-forths using GoZ. I install ZBrush2020 GoZ stops working (only with DAZ, with other apps it works perfectly). So now I'm back to the same config I had two days ago and it still doesn't work ... I'm bewildered now. Damn...

    Post edited by hansolocambo on
  • smaker1smaker1 Posts: 275

    A change of DS version and/or Zbrush version is always sensitive :-( !

    Did you try to reinstall the GOZ plug after reinstalling your last version OK with DS? 

    I asked in the DS forum if someone had GOZ/Zbrush 2020 working but didn't get answers

  • hansolocambohansolocambo Posts: 649
    edited July 2022

    I just found the solution. It works again with 2019.1.2. So I removed that version and installed again ZBrush 2020.1.1 and it also works. Cool.

    I see that in the meantime you came up with the same solution :) 


    PROBLEM : when you install GoZ for DAZ Studio, you have File-> Send to ZBrush in DAZ menus, + GoZ that sends the mesh back as a morph from ZBrush.

    BUT when one cleanly uninstalls ZBrush, this specific folder : C:\Users\Public\Pixologic\GoZApps\DAZStudio64   is removed. 

    When re-installing ZBrush, all the GoZ plugins for Photoshop, C4D, Maya, etc are installed by the Pixologic installer but not GoZ for DAZ3D.


    SOLUTION for the GoZ bridge to work :

    - Close ZBrush. And close DAZ (to be really sure it's closed : Ctrl+Shit+Esc > Task Manager > Details Tab > Right-click on DAZStudio.exe > End Task)

    - Use DAZ Install Manager to uninstall "Goz for DAZ Studio 4.12+ (Win 64-bit)"

    - Still in DAZ Install Manager, Gear Icon (Top Right) > Advanced Settings > Applications > Add  the path to ZBrush if it's not already there.

    - Use DAZ Install Manager to install again "Goz for DAZ Studio 4.12+ (Win 64-bit)"

    - Doing so will re-create the missing folder C:\Users\Public\Pixologic\GoZApps\DAZStudio64  and its content, necessary for ZBrush to make a proper bridge.

    - Start ZBrush > Preferences > GoZ > path to DazStudio64.  This will update the file C:\Users\Public\Pixologic\GoZApps\DAZStudio64\GoZ_Config.txt  with the proper DAZ path.


    Now that GoZ is set up for DAZ and ZBrush. You can :

    - load a Genesis in Daz (or any mesh), select it, click on File->Send to ZBrush, DaZ will send that geometry and the GoZ bridge will even open ZBrush if it wasn't. Cool.

    - Or you can work on a personal object in ZBrush and send it to DAZ : Tool > GoZ.  To be sure that Daz is the actual app linked to ZBrush, in Tool > GoZ, you can see 3 buttons on the right : All / Visible / R  . Click on the R, this enables you to specify which app you want to send your object(s) to.


    Cheers Smaker1. Thanks for your insight. I hope this'll solve your problem too.

    Post edited by hansolocambo on
  • smaker1smaker1 Posts: 275

    Thanks Han

    if it works for you it must work for me :-) ! I'm gonna try to do a clean up of my zbrush version and make a proper install.

    Glad it worked for you!

    Small question: do I need to desactivate my Zbrush version before uninsalling if I reinstall on the same computer?


  • hansolocambohansolocambo Posts: 649
    edited February 2020
    smaker1 said:

    Small question: do I need to desactivate my Zbrush version before uninsalling if I reinstall on the same computer?

    You're not installing ZBrush on a different computer.

    You're not reinstalling your computer's Operating System.

    So there's no reason for your computer's "digital thumbprint" to change. ZBrush will know you're on the same machine.

    You're all good. yes

    Post edited by hansolocambo on
  • smaker1smaker1 Posts: 275

    Thanks Han

    It's time to migrate completely to Zbrush 2020!

  • hansolocambohansolocambo Posts: 649
    edited June 2022
    smaker1 said:

    Thanks Han

    It's time to migrate completely to Zbrush 2020!

    I've been using ZBrush for more than 5 years. I came to DAZ fairly recently to generate nice human meshes quickly and export them to simulate clothes in Marvelous Designer or sculpt clothing in ZBrush. 

    Migrating to ZBrush is defintitely an excellent idea. But you can't, in the 3D world, achieve a great result with only one app even if some, like blender, can do a bit of everything very well. It's always better to use many different softwares as each has strengths and weaknesses. And DAZ, even if I wasn't at all convinced at first, is definitely a must use software.

    It takes time, like any other 3D app, to thoroughly understand all the possibilities and intricacies of the User Interface. But once one's used to it, it's actually an extremely powerful tool. So called softwares "limitations" often come from users who don't know enough to feel confident or can't intrinsically think outside the box.

    Post edited by hansolocambo on
  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611

    Thank you thank you thank you! I had this exact problem and I was ready to pull my hair out!

    I really hope they update ZBrush 2020 to work with Daz GoZ...or perhaps it's Daz GoZ to work with ZBrush 2020!

  • smaker1smaker1 Posts: 275


    I decided to follow your way Han and it worked! 

    Here is my detailed steps:

    • I uninstalled all Zbrush versions (2018, 2019, 2020) 
    • I uninstalled Goz with DIM but the C:\Users\Public\Pixologic\GoZApps\DAZStudio64 folder was not deleted (may be because of my DIM configuration)
    • I deleted manually the complete Pixologic folder
    • I installed Zbrush 2020.1.1 the C:\Users\Public\Pixologic\GoZApps folder was created again without DazStudio Folder
    • I installed "Goz for DazStudio 4.12+" with DIM and the DazStudio4 folder was created in GozApps 
    • Launch DS4, Goz, put the DazStudio path in the Goz Preference

    And it WORKS !!!!

    Thanks again Han.

    Melissa: I confirm GoZ works well with DS4.12.0.86 and Zbrush 2020.1.1

  • hansolocambohansolocambo Posts: 649
    edited November 2021

    Cool smaker1, glad to read that. Weird of you to keep multiple versions of ZBrush, I mean... what's the use ? 3DS Max for example has sometimes old plugins that only work with older versions. But ZBrush is a a flying star that only gets much better with each new release. No need to keep older versions really. ;)

    [...] folder was not deleted [...]

    Since I first tried Revo Uninstaller, I never ever uninstall anything without it. You should give this software a try, you'll be surprised of the insane amount of garbage that stays there, filling your registry and your hard drive(s). It can uninstall anything even if there's no entry in the "Apps & Features" of Windows (Add or Remove Programs). Simply by selecting a folder, Revo analizes it and its dependencies and gets rid of it all. I usually never install this kind of rubbish "cleaning" softwares. But Revo is definitely the exception to the rule. 


    And yep, Melissastjames, I also confirm : it works (I just sent you a PM).


    Post edited by hansolocambo on
  • smaker1smaker1 Posts: 275

    Hello Han

    me too I don't keep old version of software. The only exception I had was Zbrush due to the trouble with Goz and Zbrush 2020. Now that you explained this Gozapps folder I only have one version working.

    I'll have a look on Revo uninstaller. I like to have a clean computer :-)

    Thanks again!

    I'm a newbie with Zbrush. Do you have any advice for learning: books ? tutorials? same for Blender :  the last version seems more user friendly. I'm specially interested with the smoke simulations and vdb files I can use in Octane . So much to learn !

  • hansolocambohansolocambo Posts: 649
    edited March 2020
    smaker1 said:

    I'm a newbie with Zbrush. Do you have any advice for learning: books ? tutorials?

    Send me your email in PM, I'll send you a Dropbox link.

    Post edited by hansolocambo on
  • smaker1 said:


    I decided to follow your way Han and it worked! 

    Here is my detailed steps:

    • I uninstalled all Zbrush versions (2018, 2019, 2020) 
    • I uninstalled Goz with DIM but the C:\Users\Public\Pixologic\GoZApps\DAZStudio64 folder was not deleted (may be because of my DIM configuration)
    • I deleted manually the complete Pixologic folder
    • I installed Zbrush 2020.1.1 the C:\Users\Public\Pixologic\GoZApps folder was created again without DazStudio Folder
    • I installed "Goz for DazStudio 4.12+" with DIM and the DazStudio4 folder was created in GozApps 
    • Launch DS4, Goz, put the DazStudio path in the Goz Preference

    And it WORKS !!!!

    Thanks again Han.

    Melissa: I confirm GoZ works well with DS4.12.0.86 and Zbrush 2020.1.1

    Confirming this work-around, on Windows 10 using Zbrush 2020.1.1 and Daz Studio 4.1-whatever we're on. Dont forget to backup your personal Zbrush configuration and content before deleting Zbrush-everything.

  • Hi people! Here's the solution!laugh

    I assume everyone here followed hansolocambo steps, which may certainly do the trick. The thing is, I refused to think uninstalling and reinstalling everything was the answer, mainly because this kind of addons usually rely merely on file paths and nothing much more complex than that. Doing a little digging I found a blog post that had a detailed solution for the problem, that didn't involved uninstalling Zbrush nor Daz, and I leave the link below:


    Just in case, the steps are the following, and they shouldn't take more than 5 minutes:

    1) Close Zbrush and Daz if you have them opened.

    2) Open Daz's "Install Manager" and uninstall GoZ.

    3) Click on the little gear icon, top right. Click on "Advanced Settings".

    4) On the Advanced Settings window, go to "Applications" and check for any Zbrush path. You won't probably see any, but if you do, delete it.

    5) Click on the "+" icon on the lower left corner and a little window called "Add Application Path" will pop up. Choose Zbrush on the "Name" list, put your version (It doesn't really matter that much, I have Zbrush 2021 and clicked 2020 because mine wasn't on the version list) and then find the path to your current Zbrush, which should be something like "C:\Program Files\Pixologic\ZBrush 2021"  (If you don't know the path, you can right-click the Zbrush icon on your desktop and go to "Properties", and copy the "Destination" path without the quotation marks and without the "\Zbrush.exe" at the end)

    6) Click the green "Accept" button and install GoZ again, which should appear on the "Ready to Download" tab.

    7) Open Daz, and on "Preferences", find "Bridges". Below the Zbrush one, check as "yes" whatever options it gives you. That's it! You should be good to go.

    I hope this helps whoever has or had this problem.



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