Is there a way to hide a figure and all its children in one or two clicks maximum?
Posts: 611
Is there a way to hide a figure and all its children in one or two clicks maximum?
Currently it works like this: Select Figure --> Click Eye Icon --> Figure gets hidden. Great, but sometimes its children remain visible, which is understandable because sometimes you need them to remain visible while the primary figure is hidden.
But is there anything like this?
Hold Left Shift --> Left click Eye Icon --> Figure and all its children get hidden.
Hold Alt + Left Shift --> Left click Eye Icon --> Figure and all it's children become visible.
Post edited by Flortale on
Select all the items and create a group. Then you can just click the group and all of the items in it will be hidden
Does making a group cause any unintended consequences or problems? WIll it break the figure in any possible way?
I suppose it's possible, but I haven't seen any issues the few times i have done it.
You wouldn't happen to know the exact way to create these groups? I understand you select the items and do create new group, but...
Let's say you have Genesis 8, her eyebrows and her eyelashes. How would you create a group for the eyebrows and eyelashes, in which that group remains a child of Genesis 8, and where it can be hidden with a single click? I'd hide Genesis 8 with one click, then hide the brow and lash group with another click.
In DS 4.12 (at least in the latest public beta) you can hold the Ctrl key when clicking on the eye icon. Figure and all it's children will be toggled visible or invisible.
thank god! Thank you.... thank you so much.
There's another annoying problem I have, maybe you can answer.
If Genesis 8's head is hidden, the node selection will still try to select her head when you mouse over her head, instead of selecting the items within her head.
Do you know how to select an object from the viewport if it's behind a hidden object? For example, selecting the tongue even though the head is hidden.
I think what you are looking for is making the head not selectable. To do that, you click on the check mark to the right of the arrow that is to the right of the eye icon. That will toggle the little checkmark to an X. Check means selectable in the viewport. X means not selectable in the viewport. To get to the tongue, you will also probably have to make the Upper Teeth not selectable.
Thanks again.
Wow. I've asked that more than once, always told to make a group.
Must be the Beta as I'm sure I tried every key combo I could think of prior to it.
Thank you!