meaning of exclamation mark ! after installing product?
I downloaded and installed Central District Subway Station using DIM but now all I have is the icon with exclamation mark. No product loads. when I double click the icon it prompts me "which of the pages would you like to view? Read Me, Product, Neither"
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Post edited by Aristoc on
The exclamation mark means a "bad reference". This means that the content was installed somewhere unexpected and the program is having difficulty finding it. This isn;t supposed to happen using DIM, but it apparently does at times. Have you placed your content in custom folders, or the default DAZStudio folders?
I put everything in the default Daz folders that I have always used. Same for everything. Perhaps I need to re-install and try again?
I have had this happen a few times. Reinstalling sometimes fixes it, sometimes not. I believe at one point I figured out where DAZ wanted the thing, where it actually was, and moved it, and this cleared things up... but I can't remember the exact steps I took to fix it. Sorry... I guess that's only slightly helpful.
If this happens, I make a temporary folder and manually drag everything into it, so I can see where the files are supposed to go (after I extract them.) Then I manually drag and drop. Be sure you don't nest a folder in a folder, aka, don't put a "Content" under a "Content" folder, extract the files. Hope I explained that right :)
I opened DIM and uninstalled. Then went to the folder that said 1 ready to install. then re-installed. the re-install just took a few seconds but the original download took much much longer. all seems fine. sorry for the stupid questions.