Suggestion for 1 DAZ3D Product, Every & All Poses, 1 Discount Price. Please.

If I am in the right forum, can you please make every or all poses listed under the products section; available for one download and one price? I really want them all to use for illustration reference but there are many and different prices. I cannot see all poses or see what I am missing out on. There are probably some I would not even use. But I would feel comfortable paying one reasonable price for every pose. I would consider purchasing it right away. Any chance for this to happen?
That is not likely to happen. There are many artists that create those poses. They are not all made by Daz. Even if they could put them all into one package, it would e very expensive and out of the reach of casual users. It would also make for very large downloads and you would have to pay for updates every time new poses come out.
Smaller bundles are an option. They could make bundles by artist or figure but you would still have many bundles to choose from.
oh, well I saw some already expensive bundles for others things. I thought they could do that with the poses. Didn't know the artists were making a profit off of them. I thought Daz3D developers were. I think one price for many would be great. Because I don't want to buy several individual :/ Oh well, thanks!