Run down Motel

Never understood why nobody ever have created a run down / sinister motel like these from the road movies or the movie psycho. Not these huge motels, just a view little rooms and one office. here is a plan as example.
Doors should have a open/close morph (transform). The office should have two rooms, one front, one in the back, the motel rooms should have also two rooms, one for the main room and for the bathroom. The interior of the rooms could be packed in a second product :)
the trees are just a suggestion, I know that lots of trees are sometimes a problem, maybe a wooden fence could surround the area, the pool also is a suggestion, but the middle "island" with the trees is a must have :) also the sign.
maybe someone of the great artists is willing to do such a set (sets)

It's a nich item and risky. You may not got out what you put in.
well, maybe only the office and the rooms and the terrain ass single items so one can put together all the stuff by oneself :)
one office (wooden style)
one room (wooden style)
veranda (wooden style)
well the person who is willing to create the motel set can start a poll here at the forum?
Polls are only allowed under certain criteria, normally they are not allowed
Polls are only allowed under certain criteria, normally they are not allowed
well, then it is a risk for the one who is willing to create such a set
if it is well made it can be used as normal motel for tourists or for honeymoons, as horror set for the last stand between humans and zombies for example), as crime scene for shoot outs or for mafia scenes or murder, as serial killer set for "norman bates", as drug-handling center ;), as ruin (if the textures allows this, so some different texture sets also would be great to have) or for what ever else :) so lots of possibilites here
I personally like the idea but like I said it is risky as is with most packs
Sounds like a possible "West Park" set, I'm sure it would fit right "inn" there...
I know they Add up quickly, but with a little creativity these sets could help you achieve the environment you are looking for...
Perhaps they will go half off (again) by the end of the March Madness.
well the style should look a bit like in the psycho movies, so wooden houses :)
it should look like a motel you can find somewhere in the middle west of the US or so, like one that had been at route 66 or know?
Like this one? (WIP)
Like this one? (WIP)
well, I like the idea of a complete set, inside and outside. Inside well I like not so clean rooms, you know, more like that one, a hotel room I have created with lots of stuff from my content, that maybe can give an idea of what I mean :) here are some images:
I like these old style wallpapers and these sinister and a bit run down look and these dark furnitures. If someone will do such a set the textures of the walls should be seperated for each wall so one can easily change textures if needed. Also for the different floors of the different rooms and also windows and stuff.
I would consider doing this, but it wouldn't be for quite a while, as I already have plenty of other projects to get through.
As far as reference material goes, I'm thinking Vacancy and Bates Motel (Which I happen to be watching at the moment. I just got it on dvd). Vacancy/Vacancy 2 were movies that I liked, and the decor was extremely well done.
But as I say, it'll be some time before I could even think about it.
Well, I think it also will take time to create such a set (sets)
If you look carefully at the images I have uploaded, that I have used some of your furnitures for my room :), okay textures I have edited so they fit better, the furnitures originally were made by you :)
That was a WIP (work in progress). Of course it isn't what you want yet. It's not finished. I just wanted to show you that it has been thought of and is being worked on. Of course, if McLean didn't figure that out when he read the thread, then maybe it wasn't as obvious as I though ;) If McLean does it before I finish, then so be it, but I am already working on it. And, the walls and floors are already separate and the doors open and close, etc.
is it just a single room or do you plan a motel like the one shown on the "map" I have uploaded?
is it just a single room or do you plan a motel like the one shown on the "map" I have uploaded?
The original plan is for an entire motel, interior and exterior as you mentioned. It may be released in pieces, though, since it will take a long time to completely create the motel and I have to keep releasing things to keep my income steady.
I like the idea of an old horror motel a la Psycho or Vacancy. Something modular would be great. Maybe something with these:
1 office, left/right walls having ability to be hid separately so we could put it on the left or the right side of the motel
1 room, also left/right walls w/ ability to be hid, for the same reason (left/right end caps and central rooms)
Or something to that effect. Then we can just add as many rooms as we like and create preloads for whatever layouts we want. Granted, I'm talking of an exterior set. Interiors imo are easy to fake w/ any environment. Just need a wall w/ a door and a window.
Yeah, go for it. It'll be a least a year before I could even think about it.
Anyway, motels are like snowflakes and bar-rooms - no two are alike, so the more, the merrier.
if you have seperate buildings you don`t need hideable walls. One office duilding one "room" building so you can place so many "rooms" in a row you like :)
door and window at the front, backdoor and smaller window at the backside
room: door and window front and smaller window (bathroom) at the backside
but there should also be a porch with a two step stair and a roof like shown at the map and all should be posable like at the map
Robotmonster has a really messed up looking motel you might like...
I have it and it is very grimy and rundown.
This is a little different from your exact specifications cosmo but it might be worth a look. Motel coming soon, just down the road a bit.
Very convincing. I've been thinking about a "road movie" animation (one of the 48 Hour Film contest genres this year) using this Route 66 Vue landscape:
That motel would fit right in. I grew up near Route 66, so the motel looks pretty familiar.
but it is not so far away from what I am looking for, only thing is I would like to have also wood textures for the walls :)
The motel from Bastion is out...
Thanks for making it OBJ so Carrara users can have a go at it.