Free Lamb dance motion BVH and Facial Motion to download[v3]



  • teknostormteknostorm Posts: 163
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the instructions!!

    I tried to follow the steps -


    - extracted PMX2FBX folder to D drive ( D:\PMX2FBX )

    - Copied Miku.pmx to D:\PMX2FBX

    - Copied a motion data BaaBaaBadApple.vmd to D:\PMX2FBX

    - From a cmd prompt went to D:\PMX2FBX

    - Executed the command pmx2fbx.exe Miku.pmx BaaBaaBadApple.vmd

    - There is a long list of code on the command box for 20-30 seconds at the end of which I see -

    Create Animation End.
    Skipped Morth. 0
    Processing Morph. 1
    Export anim.bytes .
    Export model.xml .
    Export model.bytes .
    End of export.

    - I get the following new files in the folder D:\PMX2FBX - Miku.fbx, BaaBaaBadApple.anim.bytes, Miku.xml, Miku.model.bytes, Miku.extra.bytes

    - When I import Miku.fbx (61 mb filesize) in Daz3D, it shows 'Importing', and then asks 'Take to import' with the option BaaBaaBadApple.vmd or Null. I choose BaaBaaBadApple.vmd

    - Miku model opens in Daz3D in a T pose without any colors. The model shakes like a feather in the stiff T pose for the length of the animation, but her joints do not bend or anything.


    Am I doing something wrong, or will the fbx file only open in Iclone? I need only the motion data, not the model (though the model would be handy as well!). How can I import the motion data to Daz3D (or to Iclone)?

  • butaixianranbutaixianran Posts: 161
    edited December 1969


    The only file you need is the .fbx file. All others are just for Unity3D, you don't need them and you can delete them as soon as you get .fbx.

    But there is no way DS can import this fbx or a .vmd file, you need iClone Exchange to import this .fbx, convert it into a non-standard charactor, then export it as a bvh for DS Genesis.

    All these steps you need to check iClone 3dExchange's tutorial. It's not hard since you've already had the .fbx.

    Thanks for the instructions!!

    I tried to follow the steps -


    - extracted PMX2FBX folder to D drive ( D:\PMX2FBX )

    - Copied Miku.pmx to D:\PMX2FBX

    - Copied a motion data BaaBaaBadApple.vmd to D:\PMX2FBX

    - From a cmd prompt went to D:\PMX2FBX

    - Executed the command pmx2fbx.exe Miku.pmx BaaBaaBadApple.vmd

    - There is a long list of code on the command box for 20-30 seconds at the end of which I see -

    Create Animation End.
    Skipped Morth. 0
    Processing Morph. 1
    Export anim.bytes .
    Export model.xml .
    Export model.bytes .
    End of export.

    - I get the following new files in the folder D:\PMX2FBX - Miku.fbx, BaaBaaBadApple.anim.bytes, Miku.xml, Miku.model.bytes, Miku.extra.bytes

    - When I import Miku.fbx (61 mb filesize) in Daz3D, it shows 'Importing', and then asks 'Take to import' with the option BaaBaaBadApple.vmd or Null. I choose BaaBaaBadApple.vmd

    - Miku model opens in Daz3D in a T pose without any colors. The model shakes like a feather in the stiff T pose for the length of the animation, but her joints do not bend or anything.


    Am I doing something wrong, or will the fbx file only open in Iclone? I need only the motion data, not the model (though the model would be handy as well!). How can I import the motion data to Daz3D (or to Iclone)?

  • teknostormteknostorm Posts: 163
    edited December 1969

    Thanks again butaixianran. However I am unable to get any animation from the fbx files even in iclone xchange.

    Could you please check these fbx files I made from the vmd/pmx files and see if these are correct and have any animation data? I'm really eager to get this to work.

  • butaixianranbutaixianran Posts: 161
    edited February 2015

    hi, your fbx files work very well, I can convert them into BVH for Genesis without any problem in iClone 3DXchange.

    So, you need to learn how to use iClone 3DXchange.

    In 3DXchange, you need to set bone mapping to convert your fbx model into a non-standard charactor. Then, you also need to learn how to export the bvh for genesis.

    There are some video tutorials for this. It is easy and you can save it as a profile so you don't need to do it again in the future.

    When you're trying this, do not use the "Miki" model, her bone map is a mess, the "Miku" one is better.

    As you are not familiar with iClone, I think Motion Builder could also be a nice choice. iClone 3DXchange is easy to learn but Motion Builder can have better converting result.

    Thanks again butaixianran. However I am unable to get any animation from the fbx files even in iclone xchange.

    Could you please check these fbx files I made from the vmd/pmx files and see if these are correct and have any animation data? I'm really eager to get this to work.

    Post edited by butaixianran on
  • IsazformsIsazforms Posts: 210
    edited December 1969

    Thanks a lot. So How do I put limits off to genesis figure?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,611
    edited December 1969

    Thanks a lot. So How do I put limits off to genesis figure?

    What software?

  • IsazformsIsazforms Posts: 210
    edited December 1969

    DAZ studio.

  • butaixianranbutaixianran Posts: 161
    edited December 1969

    Thanks a lot. So How do I put limits off to genesis figure?

    last five picture:

  • teknostormteknostorm Posts: 163
    edited December 1969

    Thanks again for checking the files and the additional info! I finally discovered out the reason I wasn't getting the 'Bone mapping' feature for converting to Non Standard Character was because I had only installed iClone 3DExchange and not Iclone itself. Once I installed Iclone the feature showed up!

    But now I'm being driven crazy when trying to save to 'Characterization Profile'. I can open Miku.fbx and convert to Non Standard after making the T-Pose and mapping all the bones. I can save and load 'T-pose- just fine. I can also map the bones properly and get a good animation in the Preview. I can convert to Non Standard. I can also save the Characterization Profile.

    But when I close the project and reopen the same Miku.fbx and try to load the saved 'Characterization Profile', I get the message - 'Some bones are not mapped, because there are some incompatible bones. The character will not be activated.' I get the character without any mapping and have to map all the bones again. I can load the saved T-pose, so I don't have to go through that again.

    Any advise on why this could be happening?


    hi, your fbx files work very well, I can convert them into BVH for Genesis without any problem in iClone 3DXchange.

    So, you need to learn how to use iClone 3DXchange.

    In 3DXchange, you need to set bone mapping to convert your fbx model into a non-standard charactor. Then, you also need to learn how to export the bvh for genesis.

    There are some video tutorials for this. It is easy and you can save it as a profile so you don't need to do it again in the future.

    When you're trying this, do not use the "Miki" model, her bone map is a mess, the "Miku" one is better.

    As you are not familiar with iClone, I think Motion Builder could also be a nice choice. iClone 3DXchange is easy to learn but Motion Builder can have better converting result.

    Thanks again butaixianran. However I am unable to get any animation from the fbx files even in iclone xchange.

    Could you please check these fbx files I made from the vmd/pmx files and see if these are correct and have any animation data? I'm really eager to get this to work.

  • teknostormteknostorm Posts: 163
    edited December 1969

    I figured out why the 'Characterization Profile' is not loading for me - I took the Miku figure in pmx editor and removed all the japanese names of the bones (just deleted them), and then used pmx2fbx command and created the fbx. Now when I imported the fbx into iclone 3dxchange and converted it into Non Standard Character I could save the 'Characterization Profile' and load it again on a new fbx.

    The problem is, the japanese-deleted version of the pmx results in the fbx file animation not working. I tried it and the fbx file from the japanese boned pmx imported into 3dxchange with the animation, while the japanese deleted boned pmx imported with no animation (although the keyframes were there the character did not move).

    So now I have two pmxs -

    - MikuJapaneseBoneNames - with the fbx from this I can load animation, but I cannot load the 'Characterization Profile'

    - MikuJapaneseDeletedBoneNames - with the fbx from this I can load the saved custom 'Characterization Profile', but I cannot get any animation in the fbx.

    Did you face the same problem, and do you see a reason for the above?


    Thanks again for checking the files and the additional info! I finally discovered out the reason I wasn't getting the 'Bone mapping' feature for converting to Non Standard Character was because I had only installed iClone 3DExchange and not Iclone itself. Once I installed Iclone the feature showed up!

    But now I'm being driven crazy when trying to save to 'Characterization Profile'. I can open Miku.fbx and convert to Non Standard after making the T-Pose and mapping all the bones. I can save and load 'T-pose- just fine. I can also map the bones properly and get a good animation in the Preview. I can convert to Non Standard. I can also save the Characterization Profile.

    But when I close the project and reopen the same Miku.fbx and try to load the saved 'Characterization Profile', I get the message - 'Some bones are not mapped, because there are some incompatible bones. The character will not be activated.' I get the character without any mapping and have to map all the bones again. I can load the saved T-pose, so I don't have to go through that again.

    Any advise on why this could be happening?


    hi, your fbx files work very well, I can convert them into BVH for Genesis without any problem in iClone 3DXchange.

    So, you need to learn how to use iClone 3DXchange.

    In 3DXchange, you need to set bone mapping to convert your fbx model into a non-standard charactor. Then, you also need to learn how to export the bvh for genesis.

    There are some video tutorials for this. It is easy and you can save it as a profile so you don't need to do it again in the future.

    When you're trying this, do not use the "Miki" model, her bone map is a mess, the "Miku" one is better.

    As you are not familiar with iClone, I think Motion Builder could also be a nice choice. iClone 3DXchange is easy to learn but Motion Builder can have better converting result.

    Thanks again butaixianran. However I am unable to get any animation from the fbx files even in iclone xchange.

    Could you please check these fbx files I made from the vmd/pmx files and see if these are correct and have any animation data? I'm really eager to get this to work.

  • butaixianranbutaixianran Posts: 161
    edited February 2015

    Hi, I think the real problem is: 3DXchange doesn't support UTF-8 encoding in profile files and your Windows language is English.

    When you open the .3dxProfile file as a text, you can see all the bone mapping in a list in ASCII encoding, which will cause some mess code problems.

    Here is your solution:

    Put following pmx2fbx.xml and kakasi.dll together with pmx2fbx.exe, then pmx2fbx.exe will convert Japanese bone names into English.

    (These 2 files are used to be included with pmx2fbx, but removed from the latest version.)

    Here is "How to download", if you've never used before:

    download the whole project as a zip file:
    Then get these 2 files out.

    I figured out why the 'Characterization Profile' is not loading for me - I took the Miku figure in pmx editor and removed all the japanese names of the bones (just deleted them), and then used pmx2fbx command and created the fbx. Now when I imported the fbx into iclone 3dxchange and converted it into Non Standard Character I could save the 'Characterization Profile' and load it again on a new fbx.

    The problem is, the japanese-deleted version of the pmx results in the fbx file animation not working. I tried it and the fbx file from the japanese boned pmx imported into 3dxchange with the animation, while the japanese deleted boned pmx imported with no animation (although the keyframes were there the character did not move).

    So now I have two pmxs -

    - MikuJapaneseBoneNames - with the fbx from this I can load animation, but I cannot load the 'Characterization Profile'

    - MikuJapaneseDeletedBoneNames - with the fbx from this I can load the saved custom 'Characterization Profile', but I cannot get any animation in the fbx.

    Did you face the same problem, and do you see a reason for the above?


    Thanks again for checking the files and the additional info! I finally discovered out the reason I wasn't getting the 'Bone mapping' feature for converting to Non Standard Character was because I had only installed iClone 3DExchange and not Iclone itself. Once I installed Iclone the feature showed up!

    But now I'm being driven crazy when trying to save to 'Characterization Profile'. I can open Miku.fbx and convert to Non Standard after making the T-Pose and mapping all the bones. I can save and load 'T-pose- just fine. I can also map the bones properly and get a good animation in the Preview. I can convert to Non Standard. I can also save the Characterization Profile.

    But when I close the project and reopen the same Miku.fbx and try to load the saved 'Characterization Profile', I get the message - 'Some bones are not mapped, because there are some incompatible bones. The character will not be activated.' I get the character without any mapping and have to map all the bones again. I can load the saved T-pose, so I don't have to go through that again.

    Any advise on why this could be happening?


    hi, your fbx files work very well, I can convert them into BVH for Genesis without any problem in iClone 3DXchange.

    So, you need to learn how to use iClone 3DXchange.

    In 3DXchange, you need to set bone mapping to convert your fbx model into a non-standard charactor. Then, you also need to learn how to export the bvh for genesis.

    There are some video tutorials for this. It is easy and you can save it as a profile so you don't need to do it again in the future.

    When you're trying this, do not use the "Miki" model, her bone map is a mess, the "Miku" one is better.

    As you are not familiar with iClone, I think Motion Builder could also be a nice choice. iClone 3DXchange is easy to learn but Motion Builder can have better converting result.

    Thanks again butaixianran. However I am unable to get any animation from the fbx files even in iclone xchange.

    Could you please check these fbx files I made from the vmd/pmx files and see if these are correct and have any animation data? I'm really eager to get this to work.

    Post edited by butaixianran on
  • teknostormteknostorm Posts: 163
    edited December 1969

    I did that - copied kakasi.dll and pmx2fbx.xml into pmx2fbx folder. Now when I do the command line "pmx2fbx.exe miku.pmx motion.vmd" command I get a pop up error - "D:\PMX2FBX\kakasi.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support."

    (I also tried copying all the files in the link you send including pmx2fbx.exe and the meta files to a new folder, then ran the command in the new folder. I got this popup message - "The program or feature C:\PMX2FBX\pmx2fbx.exe" cannot start or run due to incompatibility with 64-bit versions of Windows. Please contact the software vendor to ask if a 64-bit Windows compatible version is available.")

    Any suggestions??

    Hi, I think the real problem is: 3DXchange doesn't support UTF-8 encoding in profile files and your Windows language is English.

    When you open the .3dxProfile file as a text, you can see all the bone mapping in a list in ASCII encoding, which will cause some mess code problems.

    Here is your solution:

    Put following pmx2fbx.xml and kakasi.dll together with pmx2fbx.exe, then pmx2fbx.exe will convert Japanese bone names into English.

    (These 2 files are used to be included with pmx2fbx, but removed from the latest version.)

    Here is "How to download", if you've never used before:

    download the whole project as a zip file:
    Then get these 2 files out.

    I figured out why the 'Characterization Profile' is not loading for me - I took the Miku figure in pmx editor and removed all the japanese names of the bones (just deleted them), and then used pmx2fbx command and created the fbx. Now when I imported the fbx into iclone 3dxchange and converted it into Non Standard Character I could save the 'Characterization Profile' and load it again on a new fbx.

    The problem is, the japanese-deleted version of the pmx results in the fbx file animation not working. I tried it and the fbx file from the japanese boned pmx imported into 3dxchange with the animation, while the japanese deleted boned pmx imported with no animation (although the keyframes were there the character did not move).

    So now I have two pmxs -

    - MikuJapaneseBoneNames - with the fbx from this I can load animation, but I cannot load the 'Characterization Profile'

    - MikuJapaneseDeletedBoneNames - with the fbx from this I can load the saved custom 'Characterization Profile', but I cannot get any animation in the fbx.

    Did you face the same problem, and do you see a reason for the above?


  • butaixianranbutaixianran Posts: 161
    edited February 2015

    hi, seems that kakasi.dll is an old version and I can't find the latest version, only the source code is available now.

    So, here is your solution:
    1. delete the old kakasi.dll and pmx2fbx.xml.

    2. download following pmx2fbx.xml, which is a full bone name map from Japanese to English, so you don't need kakasi.dll anymore.
    and put this .xml together with pmx2fbx.exe

    3. download this mmd base model, and use it with pmx2fbx.exe to convert motion into fbx. Don't use your Miku and Miki model, they have too many bones.

    4. now, you should have a fbx file without any Japanese bone name, then iClone 3DXchange will work.


    I did that - copied kakasi.dll and pmx2fbx.xml into pmx2fbx folder. Now when I do the command line "pmx2fbx.exe miku.pmx motion.vmd" command I get a pop up error - "D:\PMX2FBX\kakasi.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support."

    (I also tried copying all the files in the link you send including pmx2fbx.exe and the meta files to a new folder, then ran the command in the new folder. I got this popup message - "The program or feature C:\PMX2FBX\pmx2fbx.exe" cannot start or run due to incompatibility with 64-bit versions of Windows. Please contact the software vendor to ask if a 64-bit Windows compatible version is available.")

    Any suggestions??

    Hi, I think the real problem is: 3DXchange doesn't support UTF-8 encoding in profile files and your Windows language is English.

    When you open the .3dxProfile file as a text, you can see all the bone mapping in a list in ASCII encoding, which will cause some mess code problems.

    Here is your solution:

    Put following pmx2fbx.xml and kakasi.dll together with pmx2fbx.exe, then pmx2fbx.exe will convert Japanese bone names into English.

    (These 2 files are used to be included with pmx2fbx, but removed from the latest version.)

    Here is "How to download", if you've never used before:

    download the whole project as a zip file:
    Then get these 2 files out.

    I figured out why the 'Characterization Profile' is not loading for me - I took the Miku figure in pmx editor and removed all the japanese names of the bones (just deleted them), and then used pmx2fbx command and created the fbx. Now when I imported the fbx into iclone 3dxchange and converted it into Non Standard Character I could save the 'Characterization Profile' and load it again on a new fbx.

    The problem is, the japanese-deleted version of the pmx results in the fbx file animation not working. I tried it and the fbx file from the japanese boned pmx imported into 3dxchange with the animation, while the japanese deleted boned pmx imported with no animation (although the keyframes were there the character did not move).

    So now I have two pmxs -

    - MikuJapaneseBoneNames - with the fbx from this I can load animation, but I cannot load the 'Characterization Profile'

    - MikuJapaneseDeletedBoneNames - with the fbx from this I can load the saved custom 'Characterization Profile', but I cannot get any animation in the fbx.

    Did you face the same problem, and do you see a reason for the above?


    Post edited by butaixianran on
  • teknostormteknostorm Posts: 163
    edited December 1969

    Brilliant, and thanks tons butaixianran!!! I finally got it all working, even the importing in 3dxchange, saving as iclone motion, importing daz 3d model (exported as fbx), applying the iclone motion, and saving as bvh, importing in Daz3D. I even made a quick batch file to run the pmx2fbx and convert models automatically without typing it in everytime and deleting the extra files.

    I could not map a couple of bones in the Miku base model, so I have gone with Miku with now. I will try again with Miku base again. A couple of animations I imported in Daz3D were messed up in that in the middle the character starts jumping all over the screen while going through the animations, but it's probably some errors on my side.

    I would like to credit you for technical help in a video I am making, once it's done!

    I have another question I will put in the next post.


    hi, seems that kakasi.dll is an old version and I can't find the latest version, only the source code is available now.

    So, here is your solution:
    1. delete the old kakasi.dll and pmx2fbx.xml.

    2. download following pmx2fbx.xml, which is a full bone name map from Japanese to English, so you don't need kakasi.dll anymore.
    and put this .xml together with pmx2fbx.exe

    3. download this mmd base model, and use it with pmx2fbx.exe to convert motion into fbx. Don't use your Miku and Miki model, they have too many bones.

    4. now, you should have a fbx file without any Japanese bone name, then iClone 3DXchange will work.


    I did that - copied kakasi.dll and pmx2fbx.xml into pmx2fbx folder. Now when I do the command line "pmx2fbx.exe miku.pmx motion.vmd" command I get a pop up error - "D:\PMX2FBX\kakasi.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support."

    (I also tried copying all the files in the link you send including pmx2fbx.exe and the meta files to a new folder, then ran the command in the new folder. I got this popup message - "The program or feature C:\PMX2FBX\pmx2fbx.exe" cannot start or run due to incompatibility with 64-bit versions of Windows. Please contact the software vendor to ask if a 64-bit Windows compatible version is available.")

    Any suggestions??

    Hi, I think the real problem is: 3DXchange doesn't support UTF-8 encoding in profile files and your Windows language is English.

    When you open the .3dxProfile file as a text, you can see all the bone mapping in a list in ASCII encoding, which will cause some mess code problems.

    Here is your solution:

    Put following pmx2fbx.xml and kakasi.dll together with pmx2fbx.exe, then pmx2fbx.exe will convert Japanese bone names into English.

    (These 2 files are used to be included with pmx2fbx, but removed from the latest version.)

    Here is "How to download", if you've never used before:

    download the whole project as a zip file:
    Then get these 2 files out.

    I figured out why the 'Characterization Profile' is not loading for me - I took the Miku figure in pmx editor and removed all the japanese names of the bones (just deleted them), and then used pmx2fbx command and created the fbx. Now when I imported the fbx into iclone 3dxchange and converted it into Non Standard Character I could save the 'Characterization Profile' and load it again on a new fbx.

    The problem is, the japanese-deleted version of the pmx results in the fbx file animation not working. I tried it and the fbx file from the japanese boned pmx imported into 3dxchange with the animation, while the japanese deleted boned pmx imported with no animation (although the keyframes were there the character did not move).

    So now I have two pmxs -

    - MikuJapaneseBoneNames - with the fbx from this I can load animation, but I cannot load the 'Characterization Profile'

    - MikuJapaneseDeletedBoneNames - with the fbx from this I can load the saved custom 'Characterization Profile', but I cannot get any animation in the fbx.

    Did you face the same problem, and do you see a reason for the above?


  • teknostormteknostorm Posts: 163
    edited December 1969

    There's a software I discovered called LiveAnimation that imports vmds to it's default characters and exports directly to bvh. But I am simple unable to map the bvh file to a working non standard character in iclone 3dxchange. Whatever I do the character comes out leaning forward and messed up.

    Have you used this software and what do you think about it? Here is a bvh file exported from LiveAnimation -

    Of course, now that I've got pmx2fbx working this is not important, but I would like to know for curiosity's sake why it's not working!

  • butaixianranbutaixianran Posts: 161
    edited December 1969

    hi, LiveAnimation is a very bad choice, don't waste your time on that anymore, we've tried a lot. You'll lost motion of hands and some other important bones. And if you really want to use it, import the bvh onto a V4 charactor then export as bvh again, this new bvh will work on genesis. But it's still too bad.

    iClone 3DXchange is a much better choice, but also not perfect. In some cases, you may have some kind of shaking or twisting on elbow. There is no solution for that for now, unless you are an expert of MotionBuilder, which is much more complex than 3DXchange.

    My solution is: do not use the dance motion that will cause the shaking and twisting, there are some mmd motions can be converted perfectly.


    There's a software I discovered called LiveAnimation that imports vmds to it's default characters and exports directly to bvh. But I am simple unable to map the bvh file to a working non standard character in iclone 3dxchange. Whatever I do the character comes out leaning forward and messed up.

    Have you used this software and what do you think about it? Here is a bvh file exported from LiveAnimation -

    Of course, now that I've got pmx2fbx working this is not important, but I would like to know for curiosity's sake why it's not working!

  • teknostormteknostorm Posts: 163
    edited December 1969

    Oops I posted a reply but it doesnt seem to have posted!

    Thanks a lot for all the invaluable help butaixianran! You have set me off to a great start, with tons of motion files at my disposal. If one doesnt work perfectly I can always use another. I will definitely try to work with motion builder at a later stage, but for now my purpose is being served perfectly!

  • teknostormteknostorm Posts: 163
    edited December 1969

    butaixianran, I need more help! Can you advise on this please -

    Many complex dances from mmd vmd files convert and import fine into iclone 3dxchange. I export them to imotion format and then apply them to a Daz Studio exported Genesis 2 fbx, in iclone 3dxchange.

    So now the genesis 2 figure dances perfectly in icone 3dxchange, exactly as it dances in mmd.

    But when I export it as bvh (selecting 'hip' as the root, target tool preset 'custom' sample rate 30fps, Rename Duplicated and Reset Bone unchecked), and import it into Genesis 2 character in Daz Studio 4.7, the character starts moving ok, but after a few seconds starts translating and rotating weirdly, even though the small motions are correct. So the animation becomes unusable.

    Do you have any idea why this could be happening? Is it the vmd fault or iclone bvh export fault or something I'm doing wrong?

  • teknostormteknostorm Posts: 163
    edited December 1969

    Oh i think I solved it! I followed the steps on the end of this page -

    I was checking limits off option while importing, but that wasn't working. Opening up the whole bone heirarchy and turning Limits Off before importing did the trick!!

  • teknostormteknostorm Posts: 163
    edited December 1969

    But I can't get the limits off Genesis 2 in Carrara :(

    Trying to import the bvh into Carrara and the same swinging problem that was happening in Daz Studio happens here.

  • butaixianranbutaixianran Posts: 161
    edited December 1969

    But I can't get the limits off Genesis 2 in Carrara :(

    Trying to import the bvh into Carrara and the same swinging problem that was happening in Daz Studio happens here.

    I don't have Carrara, you may wanna open another Topic for Carrara's problem.

  • teknostormteknostorm Posts: 163
    edited December 1969

    I found a workaround that I'm using now (for anyone using Carrara) - import bvh animation in daz studio on Genesis 2 figure (with limits turned off), export animation as pz2 file using poser exporter plugin, then import in carrara on a genesis 2 figure (turn limits off when asked). That seems to work almost perfectly!

    Strangely, in Carrara pz2 imports through the browser tab only, as file>import does not show any pz2 option. In the Browser tab the pz2 file folder needs to be added to the folders.

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited May 2015

    i made a little script tool that copies frame by frame, bone by bone the V6 animation to Aiko3

    and rendered this quickly

    i'll also post the script that added 45 degrees of XRotation to the feet, to make the dance work for High Heels since the original was for flat shoes

    another note - when transfering from DS4 to DS3 i used a pose preset animation ( .dsa )

    BUT, i opened it in Wordpad, and deleted the line where it calls the "BeginUndo" function and the oned that calls "EndUndo"
    for a 8000 frames animation, i think it reduced memory consumption greatly

    1280 x 720 - 291K
    Post edited by mCasual on
  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    Casual said:
    i made a little script tool that copies frame by frame, bone by bone the V6 animation to Aiko3

    and rendered this quickly

    i'll also post the script that added 45 degrees of XRotation to the feet, to make the dance work for High Heels since the original was for flat shoes

    another note - when transfering from DS4 to DS3 i used a pose preset animation ( .dsa )

    BUT, i opened it in Wordpad, and deleted the line where it calls the "BeginUndo" function and the oned that calls "EndUndo"
    for a 8000 frames animation, i think it reduced memory consumption greatly

    pretty good work .

  • butaixianranbutaixianran Posts: 161
    edited December 1969

    That's a lot of work, well done.

    Casual said:
    i made a little script tool that copies frame by frame, bone by bone the V6 animation to Aiko3

    and rendered this quickly

    i'll also post the script that added 45 degrees of XRotation to the feet, to make the dance work for High Heels since the original was for flat shoes

    another note - when transfering from DS4 to DS3 i used a pose preset animation ( .dsa )

    BUT, i opened it in Wordpad, and deleted the line where it calls the "BeginUndo" function and the oned that calls "EndUndo"
    for a 8000 frames animation, i think it reduced memory consumption greatly

  • butaixianranbutaixianran Posts: 161
    edited December 1969

    I just noticed you're the hero for most wonderful DS scripts. I'm so glad you like my work and feel like I just shake hands with superman or batman.

    I'll open a new topic about how to convert mmd motion data to DS, so a lot of works and scripts in this topic could be used by more people.


    Casual said:
    i made a little script tool that copies frame by frame, bone by bone the V6 animation to Aiko3

    and rendered this quickly

    i'll also post the script that added 45 degrees of XRotation to the feet, to make the dance work for High Heels since the original was for flat shoes

    another note - when transfering from DS4 to DS3 i used a pose preset animation ( .dsa )

    BUT, i opened it in Wordpad, and deleted the line where it calls the "BeginUndo" function and the oned that calls "EndUndo"
    for a 8000 frames animation, i think it reduced memory consumption greatly

  • TryhardTryhard Posts: 166

    Stuck on this part.

    Cant move body to make a T pose

    Base have tons of arm bones that are not clear

    What do?

  • skyitskyit Posts: 25

    starting from 46 sec. the model moves floating from the floor, just wrong

  • sencrowsencrow Posts: 2

    I know this is kinda off, but can this work with Blender 2.8?


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