Strange artifacts on the hairline when rendered in light - Help

I'm new to the 3D world.

I ran into a problem when the hairline is rendered directly in light. It looks fine in viewport and also when the same spot is rendered in shadow. So it is probably not some collision thing with the head/hair/scalp.
Is this because of some render settings, or would it disappear if I render for much longer?

I am currently rendering optimized for speed, with these settings:

Firefly Filter Enable
Nominal Luminance 100
Bloom and Denoiser Off
Pixelfilter Gaussian, Radius 0,70

max Path length 10 , both samplers off
Instancing optimization at Memory

Progressive Rendering:
Min Update Samples 5
Update intervall 5
Min. Samples 20
Max. Samples 500
Rendering Quality off

And 4 times the final size.


  • The hair cap is too small. Find the fit/adjust morphs for the hair and increase it very slightly.

  • dream-weaverdream-weaver Posts: 123
    edited January 2020

    That didn't work.

    I even tried setting the headsize for the hair to 100%, making it literally hovering an inch around the head, and still got those artefacts.
    I also tried making it smaller than the head, so that the hairline would shrink. But same results.

    I just did a small partial render with 5000 samples and rendering quality on, but that didn't solve it either.


    BTW, it happens with different hairs. So it's a global problem. I guess it is some render setting?

    Post edited by dream-weaver on
  • And I just found the culprit.
    It was indeed a render setting:

    Optimization: max Path length 10 (default is -1).

    I've found the settings for faster rendering mentioned in the first post in another DAZ Forum. They worked quite good. But the max path length set to 10 is obviously not a good choice. So I will leave that at default.

  • PaintboxPaintbox Posts: 1,633

    Max path sometimes works with simple architectural stuff and not too many lightbounce, but characters often need more!

  • I lowered max path to 5, just for testing, but that made it even worse. Zero worked too (in the test-setup) but I will leave it to default for now.

  • And I just found the culprit.
    It was indeed a render setting:

    Optimization: max Path length 10 (default is -1).

    I've found the settings for faster rendering mentioned in the first post in another DAZ Forum. They worked quite good. But the max path length set to 10 is obviously not a good choice. So I will leave that at default.

    Anything that speeds rendering does so by sacrificing quality. You might get away with fewer bounces in non closeups but in closeups you want as many as you can get.

  • CMacksCMacks Posts: 202

    I was going to ask if you made some part of the hair invisible using cutout opacity.  When I try that I get weird artifacts that look similar.

  • onixonix Posts: 282

    Something like that happened to me when my character was placed too far away from the world zero point.  

    Maybe that's the case for you too?


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