simple request

Hi everyone out there i was wondering if someone out there has made a Gorean sleen i have been trying to find one lately. i am going to attach an example of one with this post. if no one has i am putting out a request for someone to try if possible thx...

373 x 223 - 17K
Post edited by linkbass14 on
For the benefits of others, the kitty has SIX legs.
Hmm... not seen one in 3D content yet. But you might be able to kitbash one from the Mil Big Cat figure. Just hide all of one except the Extra legs you need and then Pose those as needed to match the rest of the second full figure.
Until somebody makes some geograph legs for it and a ear morph its the best Idea I have.
I made a four-armed human figure once by parenting a second figure's chest to the first and hiding all the parts that didn't belong.... It worked ok.