Hardware Questions



  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    If you have the money go for the 3090, then you are really safe for the future, best would ofcourse be to wait on the 4K Series, so they get cheaper, but... who knows how long that takes.


    Throw it in google Translator.

    Or here for you short: RTX3000 Cards get more and more cheaper, Nvidia have now even the problem, they have TOO much cards (lol!) so they wanna delay the 4K series to sell first the others :D

    BUT! They planned to release the 4K Series at August, now they delay it to december, so... even THIS year will the next series be out and then you save a lot more on a 3K Card. So... really wait with your card purchase ;)

    Save your money and invest it into the PC then later, until that, you can create concepts in Daz3d and try out stuff with your current build, Kinda every PC can run Daz3d, but just don't click render :D

    Or just with single objects ;)

  • For the record, I ended up going with the 3090 after all, and I can sincerely say I am not in the least bit disappointed. Renders that used to take 2 hours now render in under 20 mins, and I haven't once experienced my system dropping from GPU to CPU. I can also pretty much leave at least one viewport open in Iray Preview, and it renders nearly instantaneously and without any noticeable stuttering when manipulating said viewport. It was costly, yes, but hopefully an overall good investment given that I shouldn't need to upgrade again got several years. :)
  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    I hope you did choose  a big enough Powersystem, so you are flexible for upgrades and I hope you decided to go in with 64GB; so you have enough space ;) Youl will see it, if you check your ram in bigger scenes and yeah, a good Graphiccard is a big help.

    If you have struggle and your render does not go on the card, save the scene, close daz studio and make sure to kill the task in taskmanager, sometimes, when you render 2 scenes or used the viewport with iray, the System does block the Vram, its frustrating, but killing daz (first close it), does fix this kinda always.

    Also, rendering in 4K and in 1440p does make a big time/power difference, I decided to render sometimes just in 1440p, its also great, but it saves a lot time, 4K can take a lot more time ^^.

  • Loony said:

    I hope you did choose  a big enough Powersystem, so you are flexible for upgrades and I hope you decided to go in with 64GB; so you have enough space ;) Youl will see it, if you check your ram in bigger scenes and yeah, a good Graphiccard is a big help.

    If you have struggle and your render does not go on the card, save the scene, close daz studio and make sure to kill the task in taskmanager, sometimes, when you render 2 scenes or used the viewport with iray, the System does block the Vram, its frustrating, but killing daz (first close it), does fix this kinda always.

    Also, rendering in 4K and in 1440p does make a big time/power difference, I decided to render sometimes just in 1440p, its also great, but it saves a lot time, 4K can take a lot more time ^^.

    Hey! Yeah I actually did get the extra system RAM too. So I'm sitting on 64gb of system RAM now and 24gb of VRAM from the 3090. I was initially hesitant about the 850w Gold 80 PSU I upgraded to, but so far it's proven itself capable of handling all of the connected equipment. And yeah, I'm seeing what you mean about shutting down DAZ and reloading after using the Iray Preview option in the viewport. Seems like when I do that, the system has considerablely more lag even when returning to something like Texture Shaded. Working on optimizing my viewport a bit more, however.
  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    820w sounds good, I hope that is stable for future upgrades if needed.

    But dont be sad, when maybe soon get the 4K series released and your 3090 card get much cheaper :D


    I assume with your card is Daz3D much more fun, I have just the 2070Super and its smooth, but kinda limited to 4 Chars, I wish we could handle easy 20+, making a full School class or a filled Pirateship or a shopping mall would not be a problem. (of course it would also take a lot more personal time to pose + dress everyone^^...)

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