Help with Millennium Dog Starter Pack
Hello, I think I'm confused!
Millennium Dog Starter Pack should have some breeds as it says......
Over 120 Morph Targets: Including Body Shaping, Head Shaping, Expressions, and the Following Breeds:
Boxer, Bull Terrier....
But I really cannot find any breed, there is only the Doberman!
The Starter Pack has the shaping morphs for different breeds, but only the texture for the Doberman. More textures are in
You may want to return the Starter Pack and instead get which includes both the Starter Pack and the Classic Canines textures.
Thank you very much, now I understand!
I have the starter pack but cant find any of the morphs, do you know where they are
In DS, make sure you're loading Mil Dog.cr2 and not Mil Dog LE.cr2
Go to the Parameters pane and click on All