can i change G2F skin?
I am interested in nice looking skin for the G2F. Young or old doesn't matter. I want both. Realistic looking type of skin.
Are there products around that can give me this? Do I need to buy a character to change the G2F base female skin?
also, I have bo ann and joss for V4. Can I apply their skin to G2F?
Im still trying to improve on the G2F skin.
If you have the V4 shape for G2F, then you can use this to convert V4 skins
You could look here as well :
how about the new product update that is coming out soon for Gen X . Would this do the same thing?
Thanks !
Gen X allows you to transfer body shape morphs between generations, not the skin materials.
To use V4 skins on G2F, the only additional product you have to have is Victoria 4 for Genesis 2 Female. With only this product transferring a skin from Bo Ann for V4 to G2F, would be a multi-step process:
1) Load the skin onto V4.
2) Select V4 and do File -> Save As -> Material preset. Select all the skin zones. This saves the skin as a .DUF preset.
3) Apply the DUF preset you saved in 2 to G2F. This will probably result in the wrong UVs being select and there will be gaps in the skin.
4) Find the V4 UV preset that comes with Victoria 4 for Genesis 2 Female or just select all the skin zones and change the UVs to V4 UVs in the surface tab.
5) Select G2F and do File -> Save As -> Material preset. Select all the skin zones. This will save a DUF skin preset that has the correct UVs set so you can just load this in the future.
The V4 Skins Auto Converter for Genesis 2 Female is a script that automates this process and makes it more convenient.
thank you for the details.