genx2 installer broken

In my rebuilding of all my data files... I went to run genX2 today.
Pane that opens via the drop down menu to genX is not the interface I remember
so I redownloaded and got an installer .. ran that etc still same problem
went to the DIM
Dim says there's a installer it can download of the size 838k --- the download on the product page is 7.35 m for win64
further DIM hangs up trying to uninstall that one it downloads and installs.
In the installed plugin list there's no serial number showing after plugin listing and the info tip refers to d3dGenX2.dll size 505k
so there must be more stuff somewhere.
Or somehow this is genX not genX2 ...
the genx2 says to remove genX .. but I can't uninstall something I never had. Can't find genX in my product library.
pictures attached .. first one is what I get when I open genX (which goes away if I uninstall gen2x and comes back when I install
second one is the one I remember . screen shot from the PDF
Is there anyway to get a copy of the genX2 installer that doesn't come from the default daz download site?
Hey, Richard can you send me your copy of the installer, since it has to have my serial number I can't be pirating it right?
just checked my serial number and it's for genesis generation X.. so I must have bought the early one and then it go updated to 2 ... (the pdf says to just use your genX number with the genX2 install)
but even with uninstalling and reinstalling I'm not getting asked for the number.
so could the issue be that that gen2x uninstall leaves behind something that was put in by the genX install which is now causing the glitch?
in the current interface I get (first on below) if I just have a selected figure in the scene it does nothing ..
If I use the "pose" select and select genesis or a genesis character like Julie .. it says it failed to function.
the one that installs says genX in the panes menu not genx2

Was Studio running at the time you tried to install GenX2? Plugins usually need to install dll's, and that usually doesn't work well when the exe is running. Close Studio, and uninstall anything Generation X2. If you ran the exe installer, you need to uninstall with the Windows->Apps settings or Control Panel, Uninstall a Program. Check that the following files are gone from "Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4" or wherever Studio is installed:
/plugins/d3dGenX2.dll (this is the 505 KB file)
Install GenX2 with DIM, then restart Studio, go to "About Installed Plugins..." and enter the serial number, if needed. Restart Studio again and check if it works.
FYI: You can see what is installed by DIM with a right-click on the product and selecting "Show Installed FIles..." from the popup context menu. The file available on the product page is an executable installer that is run externally, like any other program installer, and most of the file is the installer itself. In DIM, only the necessary items are packaged, as DIM can install them itself.
I think there's still a gen X buried inside
No, I killed studio when doing the installs.
I downloaded the genx2 installer separately and then DIM said "I've got it too.. but that was the one that was only 800k and actually said 0 bytes.
but the box I get is the first one and I think that's the old gen x 1 interface
and since that product isn't around anymore (at least that I can find) can't get it uninstalled.
But Dim was having issues uninstalling ... and the pdf insists that you need to uninstall gen x1
but it looks like it's still part of what's in there and the fact that the install doesn't ask for the product key either and doesn't show it has having on in the installed plug in list. is not a comfortable feeling
the pdf says uninstall gen x 1 and then when you install gen x 2 and it asks for the serial number you can use the one for gen x one. but it hasn't asked.
I have all my old converted morphs and can put them back ..
just wanted to do a nice clean set
And at this point we won't open a discussion on why my genesis base character insists on loading as Julie and a full set of Julie breasts style 2 .. which is making all my male characters based on genesis a little upset
what I am hoping to get an answer to is does genX2 load with the name genX2 showing up in the drop down menu?
In the "About Installed Plugins" list, it shows as "Genesis Generation X2". The tab pane itself has the title "GenX". Could you have possibly installed the original Genesis Generation X from an executable outside of DIM? Check the Windows Control Panel to see if there is anything listed in installed programs.
So, in DIM, package size 838 KB, installed size 0? Show installed files shows all in black italics?
you have got to be kidding me.
Okay, I never got to meet Dimension 3D and I admire the heck out of his work
and I am very sad he died, not only because he can't continue the work he started
but for the sake of his family, people passing early and suddenly is always extra painful
but if he hadn't I would want to metamorphically wring his neck (just a bit)
he forgot to update the menu display to gen x 2
the rest of the problem is on Daz (I think) and the interface coloring schemes
you notice in the above pictures I was opening to a box with the word preset
which doesn't look like the 3 tabs on the top of the pdf sample page.
notice the space in front of the word preset?
well the word transfer is there if you put your cursor over it
then if you click on the word preset disappears.
apparently the other times I used genx it was in another style or it opened on the first tab.
showing the transfer dialogues which were what I used.
I see now.. the base bar is a different color in the last image
in the first three the type is there.. it's just the same color as the base bar.
I am using a 43in 4k monitor which is great for seeing the little tiny blue vertexs in 3d max but it actually ends up making the daz interface boxes a little smaller in type size than on a smaller monitor.
I'm thankful it was just a visual issue because not matter how frustrating that is.. it's better than a more complex issue buried in all the files.
thank you for your help.
D'oh! I, too, did not see the faint image of the text on the other buttons in your first post. You can change the colour of the UI in Window->Style->Customize Style. Not sure which one changes the button text or background.
I use GenX2 and its addons every day so it's definitely not broken. But I use DS4.9 and DIM to install it. Go look elsewhere to find the culprit!