She Freak 4 and V4 Bodysuit
Posts: 179
Sidenote - Woohoo 100th post!
Now on topic - I have created She Freak 4 using V4 and the morphs. I'm trying to put the V4 Bodysuit on her (I have the unimesh fits too). When I look at Parameters > Misc it says it is fit to V4 (She Freak). I thought that the suit would fit since she was based on V4. Am I doing something wrong or is the only option to manually adjust the suit?
For non-genesis figures you need to run "transfer active morphs to clothing" from the menu on the scene tab - its either under assets or edit.
Interestingly, when I do that to the She Freak V4 morph, there is poke through, but when I do it to She Freak non V4 it works.
Some items work much better on the Base Figure like She Freak 4 as it needs to convert fewer morphs that way. A morphed V4 means more things in the list to try to match, that often does not work as well as you have just seen.
A little off topic but...
AFAIK the ONLY garment for which the unimesh fits include SF4 is Courageous