Maybe an EMP device (and dirty litterboxes)

Is there any EMP device that can be used to in scenes to disrupt my character's electronics?

Also are there any morphing dirty litter boxes?  How about props to looks like someone is cleaning out the litter box. or poses of cleaning it for Genesis 8 or poses for Daz Kitty using it.

Right now I am not with my computer but I am expecting it back soon.   Then I would like to do renders of Daz kitty.  What other props are out for Daz kitty?  I know there might be several litter boxes out there but I do not know of any morphing dirty litter box.  What does Kitty like to do right after the litter box is cleaned?

Wait!  Kitty litter odors are not the same thing as an EMP device? I just want to do a render of a kitty steping on an EMP device because the G8M (or G8F) would not clean the box in a timely manor.  He (or she) is using some electronic and not focused on the now stinky box.


  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565
    What does an EMP device look like? For some reason I think it looks a mix between an echo device and a staples big red button.

    are there any good realistic bomb sets for poser or DS? Or after I get a new computer, how can I find good tutorials for blender?

  • EMP device, you say you want to know what one looks like? In sci-fi characters like X-O Manowar and Iron Man had EMP blast as a special capability in the 1996 game they co-starred in for PlayStation. Being similar armors with chest laser beam cannons they simply radiated the EMP in a circular or elliptical shape outward. Also around that same time for PlayStation in Twisted Metal 4, there was a character named Quarto, an extra terrestrial biped galactic law enforcement agent who had this microwave detonation special weapon on his hoverbike cruiser. While not strictly EMP, in electronic terms a radiative burst of energy whether specific to ultra short waves in the microwave region, or more multi spectral as a true EMP would, does tend to have about the same disruptive effect upon semiconductor microchips. I had a cordless phone, landline, on the same "run" in the wall's outlet circuit as a microwave oven and as a matter of fact it was being used in fairly close proximity to said microwave. Every time someone cooked something in the microwave, the phone would be disrupted so as to not send nor receive sound signals. After enough times, the phone no longer even worked right, you'd turn it on and the thing would just reset. Unusable. I am guessing because microwave ovens use their chassis as a ground return, that this is annoying and apparently harmful to other nearby circuitry, like inductive and broadcasting radio devices. Last but not least, a company called Information Unlimited has plans and parts for just such a device. (Parts only sold to qualified personnel). In one video they demonstrated how the disruptive effect could be used as a proximity barrier upon detecting and targeting explosives (i.e. a bank robber). IIRC it was on TechTV over a decade ago. Pictures of said devices Hope that's helpful.
  • edited June 2021

    Hi, perhaps this can help:

    Post edited by shambleresp_eb83ebd029 on
  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 3,647

    shambleresp_eb83ebd029 said:

    Hi, perhaps this can help:

    I thought the same. Good call! :)

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    Now I got an idea.  A faraday cage can protect electronics from EMP so for the kitty a faraday harness so the kitty's digestive system won't bother anything.

  • AscaniaAscania Posts: 1,855

    What does one look like? Like this:

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    Anything the artist wants to imagine?  Cats who have EMP poop aren't real to my knowledge.  There is no need to do anything to protect electronics from those fictitious cats.  I guess it is all up to the imagination of the writer/artist.


    for a sci-Fi EMP, it could be like that red easy button that staples used to sell.  Maybe instead of Easy it would say EMP or my favorite "don't press the red button" type message?


    oh I don't have those easy buttons so I "stole" one from internet.  No one else can use this image as I didn't ask for permission to download it.

    346 x 320 - 132K
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