Maybe an EMP device (and dirty litterboxes)

Is there any EMP device that can be used to in scenes to disrupt my character's electronics?
Also are there any morphing dirty litter boxes? How about props to looks like someone is cleaning out the litter box. or poses of cleaning it for Genesis 8 or poses for Daz Kitty using it.
Right now I am not with my computer but I am expecting it back soon. Then I would like to do renders of Daz kitty. What other props are out for Daz kitty? I know there might be several litter boxes out there but I do not know of any morphing dirty litter box. What does Kitty like to do right after the litter box is cleaned?
Wait! Kitty litter odors are not the same thing as an EMP device? I just want to do a render of a kitty steping on an EMP device because the G8M (or G8F) would not clean the box in a timely manor. He (or she) is using some electronic and not focused on the now stinky box.
are there any good realistic bomb sets for poser or DS? Or after I get a new computer, how can I find good tutorials for blender?
Hi, perhaps this can help:
I thought the same. Good call! :)
Now I got an idea. A faraday cage can protect electronics from EMP so for the kitty a faraday harness so the kitty's digestive system won't bother anything.
What does one look like? Like this:
Anything the artist wants to imagine? Cats who have EMP poop aren't real to my knowledge. There is no need to do anything to protect electronics from those fictitious cats. I guess it is all up to the imagination of the writer/artist.
for a sci-Fi EMP, it could be like that red easy button that staples used to sell. Maybe instead of Easy it would say EMP or my favorite "don't press the red button" type message?
oh I don't have those easy buttons so I "stole" one from internet. No one else can use this image as I didn't ask for permission to download it.