Where can I re-download the new set of primitives [Chamfer primitives] for Bryce added later?

I was under the impression that the add-on primitives was part of the new content. I have installed the pro materials yesterday but primitives are still the original Bryce 7.1 set.
Now I think this extra primitives set was uploaded in the forum separately but on search not find such. It was a long time back.
I have the set on my old computer which crashed. If I am not mistaken the set when added is another color when installed, i.e. pink maybe.
If anyone can direct me to this download file it will be most appreciated.
Thank you
Post edited by launok on
There are Additional Primitives (96, brown and cyan coloured) under Installed and they come with Bryce 7.1. I don't know of any other primitives.
I have just checked on my old laptop, it's called Chamfer primitives. The old laptop went unstable before I could make a screenshot. Will do this later to show you what the set looks like.
launok - strange, I remember the name but I can't find them in my Objects library.
If I remember correctly, these was a separate download someone offered as a zip file on the forum. It's not easy to relocate something in these forums. This will mean I have to go through my disks as I always store downloads on a disk but it will take long. Thank you anyway.
@Horo - Can one copy/paste these installed primitives set over from one pc to another by placing them into the folder, without installing them from scratch?
launok - yes. All Presets (materials, objects, etc) can just be copied into their respective folder. Bryce sees them without the need to quit and reload Bryce. You can do it while you're working on a project. Next time you open a preset, the file is there.
EDIT - I'm an idiot, I found them: Chamfer by Stephen Ray steves-art-gallery.com
Are these them https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/228856/free-new-primitives
Thank you, yes this is it!
My website is down ( still own the domain ) But all my downloads are stored on a google drive.
And these are good to have + Thanx
Seems one of my Google drive went inactive. I only use Steve's Art Gallery now for u tube ( as in my banner) Lets see if this one works now.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UWR1RjraIUb3K7yGp1iHyD4SoY0TLaYJ/view?usp=sharing
S Ray : thanks for the working link.