Model Pose Construction Set
Not sure if it was Novica or Serene Night that said this product was awesome -
Will it absolutely NOT work with Genesis and newer bases? If it won't, any suggestions? I checked W.H. Whitney's page and it seems the vendor is not designing for newer models.
I realize I could buy, try and return, but thought I'd simply ask :-)
I know I have used v4 poses on the Genesis and for the most part if I leave limits on they come out near perfect, some need a bit of work, but more micro work rather than large work. If I remember things like ankles are a bit off and a bit of "balance" work as they sometimes come out with a bit of flow problems or center of gravity issues. They don't always look perfectly balanced. But for the most part for v4 to genesis they do get 85-90% of the pose done with some tweaking needed to correct the balance issues that come up.
Now for this specific product I cannot say, this is just speaking of using v4 poses on genesis, I have not used them for genesis 2 as of yet so I cannot speak to that. I will let someone with more knowledge speak to that part of your question.
For the most part, it will probably get Genesis 80-90% of the way to a perfect (matching the v4 product) pose and the rest will be user tweaking. Is my opinion. Genesis 2 no idea.
Disclaimer, I am still new enough around here if I turn too fast I squeak.
In fact I am putting it into my wishlist to think about, even getting 80% of a pose done quickly before having to clean it up would save a lot of effort. I will also wait for a full weigh in from others.
@talas - thank you for the reply and I could certainly live with that :-)
PS - LOVE your Disclaimer! Wish I would have thought of that myself.
Certain points of articulation are worked out differently on Genesis, namely the feet and hands. Don't expect those areas to pose correctly using generation 4 poses as they most certainly will require at least some level of user-intervention. Any pose compatible with Genesis will work with Genesis 2, though it might also require a bit of manual tweaking to look right depending on the morphs you're using.
Sounds good. TY!
Ok, that's what I thought I remembered, the ankles and hands a bit awkward. And sometimes the balance a bit off. So I was close and it will probably stay in my wishlist as even 90% is a good help for my use. I hadn't seen the product before so thank you McKinnan for adding something else to my wishlist.
I use Many of the Pose Kits for V4 M4 and F4 on my Genesis figures. Then I use Handy Dandy to correct hand poses. If needed I hand correct the Feet but most times I'll not show the full figure so the foot correction is not needed. It is easy when needed.
Sigh....and another item gets tossed into the wishlist...Thanks
I took the plunge and bought it! It's the only way to shorten my wishlist!
Thanks all.