It seems to me that camera angles are only saved if you use a camera other than the default "perspective" view camera. You must add a camera to the scene and that will save with the scene. Also, when you reopen a scene, it will open on the camera you had selected when you saved the scene. If that is the perspective camera, it will load in the default position, not the last position you had when saving. Only "added" cameras will store the positions.
It seems to me that camera angles are only saved if you use a camera other than the default "perspective" view camera. You must add a camera to the scene and that will save with the scene. Also, when you reopen a scene, it will open on the camera you had selected when you saved the scene. If that is the perspective camera, it will load in the default position, not the last position you had when saving. Only "added" cameras will store the positions.
Also, unless you Lock the camera then DoF-related settings will be lost on re-load.
You need a "Camera", the perspective camera is reset to default position when scene is loaded, I've asked before, this is intended behavior.
Once I load a new Camera and get it positioned just how I want it, I lock that sucker down with Parameters!
Ds3 created a new camera in new scenes, which is why the position was saved. You can tell DS4 to do that in Edit>Preferences>Scene