Atmospheric light rays
I'm trying to depict a light ray shines from outside the window. . .
I was able to do it using a spotlight, however is there a way to make the light rays to be visible?
Like it has an atmosphere?
Right now I am only getting the light on the floor and shadows that it project. . .
Is it possible to accomplished it with only basic lighting? or do I need to buy a light plug-in?
In DS4 you can use UberVolume.
Here's a video...
And the user guide...
There should also be a help link in the folder with the presets.
Sorry Guys, but I can't find UberVolume on my OmniFreak folder, only area light and Uberenvironment 2?
any ideas?
Look in Shader Presets, not Light Presets...
OH my thanks! found it
Here's a quick one with UberVolume...
The second one changed the angle on the spot and the light intensity...
nice, thanks again