Wrinkled Soles and Three-Toed Feet?

ScreampunkArtsScreampunkArts Posts: 31
edited December 1969 in Product Suggestions

I'm not certain if this is really plausible with the DAZ program, but as an artist who gets a lot of requests for foot fetish art, I'm wondering if there's anything out there that would focus on how the soles of the feet wrinkle as the toes move. Perhaps something compatible with these:


The latter of which I just purchased.
I use DAZ models to 'rotoscope' poses which I then draw over.

In addition, I get asked to do a fair amount of ''furry'' style work. Seeing as many of these characters have tridactyl feet, I'd like to find something that makes this easier. Just ordinary feet but with three large toes instead of five small ones.


  • ZojitzuZojitzu Posts: 8
    edited December 1969

    Maybe one of the creature morphing packs for Genesis/Genesis 2 would help.

  • ScreampunkArtsScreampunkArts Posts: 31
    edited December 1969

    Maybe one of the creature morphing packs for Genesis/Genesis 2 would help.

    I've looked around at various morphing packs, but haven't been able to find anything like what I'm looking for. Here's an example of the three-toed feet:

    Doesn't need the fur. In fact I'd rather it be optional / not included. But the three-toes-per-foot are a must.

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