Eye Settings In Reality (Beginner)
After spending a long time with 3delight I'm making the switch to luxrender via reality, I've only been using it since yesterday so I could really use some help.
After the eyes rendered looking strange my friends have been helping me with material settings for eyes, but they still don't look right imo.
Heres the settings I'm using, any setting not mentioned is at default values
Cornea Glass, Archituectural, 3. Human Eye Lens
Reflection Colour 230 230 230
Tramsmission colour 255 255 255
Index of refraction 1.38
Thin Film IOR 1.00
Iris - Glossy
Diffuse 220 220 220
Specular 20 20 20
Glossiness Strength 0
Pupil - Same as Iris
Sclera - Same as Iris
Lacrimal - Glossy
Diffuse Colour 223 223 223
Specular Colour 20 20 20
Glossiness Strength 0
After 17 minutes in Lux I have the attached picture, But the eyes look kinda "dead" right? So whats missing? Is it a materials setting? Or, is it because theres only one mesh light aimed at the subject and I'm boosting the brightness in Lux? Would someone be willing to help me, even share a basic level of correct settings from which I would have a solid starting point to work from? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
For eyes to not look dead they need to appear to be in use, as in looking at something. Even down to the right is better than dead center. Try getting the figure to appear to be looking at something. Real humans rarely just stare off into space.
The pose is just an ultra basic position to test the render, not a finished image. So do you have any advice about the settings?
To me that's a pretty NICE eye setting you have. Only adding Life like position and maybe pupil size will make it better to me. Larger pupils for low light and so on. I think they look as real as any other Lux render I've seen.
Ok, heres another render I did, Look at the reflection in the eyes...why are they square???
Judging by their position I'm guess that is actually the meshlights themselves that can be seen, if so how do I avoid this happening while getting a nice "sparkle" in the eyes?
Yes, they are the meshlights.
You can't...other than changing the shape of the light.
But in real life, the reflections are the shape of the 'light', too...
Can you please tell me how to make a meshlight circular? A circular reflection would look much more real and natural
I really want to improve but I don't know how to do it, I'm also kind of a beginner, so if you could give details that would help a lot
Heres another image, render in lux to 720 S/P. My problem so far is that the Iris of all eyes in pictures lack detail. If I had render that in 3delight the Iris would be much more detailed.
I'm not using depth of field, so why is there such blurry look? Is it a rendertime issue?