exporting from daz to vue... really need help...

I've been trying to export figures from daz studio to vue... and having some big trouble...
1 - collada files: when I try to open them vue crashes...
2 - obj files: they are always loaded with no materials. It's not a problem of reflection. They really have no materials associated to any part of the body, cloths, hair... I exported with collect maps, so that's not the problem either. I import one good figure, with all the materials. When I import it, vue asked me for the files so I just had to indicate the folder. This is the result:
Then I tried with another figure... and nothing... again with no materials imported... and no asking for them... :(
3 - I was really crazy to the point of add all the materials to all parts of the 2 figures body, hair, clothes.... on by one.... now everything works... except the eyes that get all white in render. It's the only part that is not working. There is 2 different files for the eyes. I'm assuming that in some parts I have to use one and in other parts the other... but I have no idea in which part I should put one or another...
Does anyone can help me?? It's really frustrating... especially after it worked once...
By the way. In daz studio I made this skin color by changing color in diffuse:
of course this does not go on the maps that are exported to vue. Anyway I can get a similar effect on vue? I tryed some things, but it always get to unnatural. A very strong green, not this skin kind green. Really loved this effect... I already knew it would not be exported to vue, but if there's anyway I can do something like this in vue...
Hello all!
Just to say that I solve the problem! In another thread someone told me to export in silo instead of poser.
That was all.... Now everything is being imported to vue with all materials! :D
So, if someone gets with the same problem, just try that.
I replied to your other thread, but a number of threads happened in the interim. I export directly from daz to vue. I don't use any intermediary. I explained how in the other post. It works great.
read you answer. My maps folder is being created and it is actually in the same folder as the vue file. For every work I do I create a folder where I put everything of that work. Works better for me.
But for some reason that I don't understand, vue is not importing materials if I export in poser mode. But in silo it works...
I think maybe is because I can't configurate vue to work with poser. When I do it, vue stops open the work windows and the only way to open them again is to reset options to default.
Probably have some kind of conflict happening here...
Anyway, now I'm being able to do the import on vue :) Next step is learning to work good with vue... my renders are not to good, but I was already told that there's a lot to learn about lights and atmospheres. Besides a lot of other things of course. Vue is a very complex program, but even with all this trouble, it already conquered me :D
Thanks for your help. It's really great all the help I'm receiving here in this community in this beginning on 3d art! :)
If you are working directly in daz, export from it. I thought you were. Don't go through Poser. If you are working in Poser that is another issue. I have written a long article (still ongoing) on working with daz exports in vue. It can be found from my home page under my message board on that page. Perpetualvisions.com
You are misunderstanding me.
I'm working just with daz and vue.
I select silo instead of poser in the export options of daz. That option you can see in the image with a green trace around.
Not using any other program.
Are you already try Vue 2014 PLE ? Since this morning i`ve been success importing DAZ collada format without trouble in Vue . Of course some high poly object makes my Vue scene slow like hell . Maybe because im only using onboard Vga not dedicated ones
This is great I'm going to give this a go !!!
Thank you, Mystic Wings. These settings worked for me. Latest version of DS. Exported to OBJ. Chose the Silo setting. Imported into Vue 2016 Complete and I now have textures instead of shiny or partially invisible objects. Appreciate the tip!
Good to know there's a workable way to get a figure from the latest DAZ to Vue 2016. If you also need poly-reduction of the OBJ, I'd suggest Atangeo Balancer as the quickest and most efficient - while also being relative 'crumple proof'. Some may also find they still have the DAZ Decimator plugin from way back when it was free - it is now quite expensive.