Beards not following face morphs G8M Iclone facekey

Hi all.
Hope someone can help me with this as its been driving my nuts for the last 3 weeks. I'm trying to export my G8M 'floyd' with beard 'Standard wiskers G8 male' through to iclone7 via the facekey supplied with 3DX. I applied the face key to the G8M mesh and all seems fine, except the beard only matches the head movement and not the facial expression. It's just static with the lips move bedind it
Can anybody tell me where I'm going wrong
You might need to go into expression editor and manually add the morphs for the beard
Thanks for this SadKitty. Do you mean the expression editor in 3dx or daz?
I've read some of your other posts regarding this and was wondering if there was a simple fix for it. I've done it with a G2 male and beard and that seemed to work fine. The beard followed the mouth movements when i added the facekey for iclone. The trick i did there was make the beard a child of the parent M2 mesh and it followed the lips and expressions perfectly but that had auto follow on the beard.
Expression editor
the issue is the facekey morphs don't use the bones in the face
you should have a set of matching parameters on the beard mesh under expression editor
you only need do the visemes etc not brows eyes etc
I never face this issue as I use a different facial retarget file that uses bone movements I made myself but my attempts to share it have been less than successful for some reason
nobody else seems to get it to work
Thanks again sadkitty.
Think that did the trick.
I'm a noob, can anyone explain further the expression editor and where can I find it?