Galactic Starships Request for 2014!

Just would love to see a starship as stunning as in the images below. It doesn't have to have an interior, but would be cool to have lit windows and lights on the out side. A starship made for Daz Studio and Poser. A ship that looks like it could hold 500 to a 1,000 people. The only extra goodies could be docking bay with bay doors that open and a docking runway inside lit up like Star Wars or Star Trek. The reason I'm asking for a starship, is it would be cool to have one out side a space dock waiting area as you are looking out huge windows at the starship under repair or waiting to be boarded. It would be great to go along with sets from Stonemason or Kibarreto.

2000 x 1258 - 411K

1491 x 836 - 146K

2000 x 1100 - 408K

1600 x 1000 - 293K

1600 x 900 - 206K
Post edited by Michael L Rogers on
I'd recommend Kibarreto's stuff, without reservation. They do the closest I've seen to Chris Foss' and Ron Cobb's famous art styles and render quite beautifully. They'll apparently be returning to spaceships after their next stuff which is coming down the product pipeline. There's one model they do of a hanger, which seems to have a partial exterior and I believe a lot of the interiors are meant to be assumed to be all one part of a single ship, but they haven't done anything with a corresponding exterior hull.
There are some really huge spaceship models at a certain other site, which allegedly work with Daz Studio, but I'm wary of purchasing them... Not only because I can't find anyone who's tested them in it, but because I'd like something available through Daz, itself, so that I know the auto-installer can take care of everything, since I've had frustrating problems along those lines before.
Nightshift 3D's stuff is also very worth checking out if you're in need of some small-to-medium-sized transports. They aren't as insanely detailed as Kiberreto's line, but do have things like pose-able gun turrets, which should really be standard for any military vehicle meant to thrust along in a vacuum (even if only for vaporising asteroids and other debris which gets in the way, to save on using that precious fuel to navigate away).
Boy I know what you mean about purchasing it through Daz. And thank you for all the info. A few of my own space stations and cargo ship creations below. I created them in Bryce. Took over 2 years to complete all of them.
I'd love this too. I think those ships look awesome. I=-)
Have a look.
Yup I have all of those, but we can't use actual Star Trek ships for other projects or other things. Those ships are trade mark. I'm saying we need Daz 3D starships. Something new that we can legally use and have fun with.
Damn, wish that site did some .oj file formats... I can't seem to import any of the others into Daz.
Not sure this is what you're looking for, but it is big:
There are some links to similar models at the bottom of the page.
I did a short animation trying to emphasize the size, done in Carrara with the Poser version:
Yeah, that was the other site I was referring to... No idea if anyone's successfully tested that line in Daz, but they're a little expensive.
Also, not the slightest idea on how to install them, unless you just import and they get auto-textured. :)
there are several items on that site you could use in DAZ.
My system choked on the voyager bridge, (35Mb) so I can't show you, but it is actually a Poser model.
Do you know how to handle .3ds and .lwo files?