Invalid Serial Number??
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OK, I THINK I have Bryce 7 Pro installed correctly. But now, when I get to the screen where we insert name and serial number, it keeps saying it has encountered an invalid serial number, etc. Even though it's only installed on my laptop which is not online at this time, I was very careful to transfer the correct serial number over, by copying it down manually and then inserting it to a text file which is now on said laptop. I copied that number and pasted it in to the screen where it is requested, but Bryce won't accept it. what???
Is this a copy of the program or the original that is installed on your laptop....sometimes typing it in manually is better and watch out for capital might try being online... did you also install Daz studio???
This is a copy, I transferred it over using a flash drive... And currently I have no means of putting the laptop online (short of carrying it to work which I prefer not to do), no ethernet cable or wireless modem or nothing...not yet anyway. Well, I could try typing the numbers in manually. I left in the hyphens, would that cause a problem?
we were cross typing I believe ....Cool glad it worked...have fun if you need any more help with Bryce go to Bryce forums there are a bunch of great folks that will help you.......Trish
Well, apparently, you can... seems I read somewhere here at the forum that Bryce can even be run straight from a flash drive, either Chohole or Horo said that...
Studio is free right now, correct? Not sure I would even be getting into that, I'm not even sure what it is
Yes its free...and what I do is buy models pose them in Studio and export them for use in Bryce....things like buildings and animals other trees...This is just an example of something I did....exported models as wavefront objects from Studio then rendered in Bryce7Pro...I believe Studio even comes with some free stuff where you could check it out without buying anything right away.....Trish
Daz Studio is useful, as Trish says, but I do it a different way,
Are you by chance a Poser User?
Just curious you have to import the objects from DS, cannot load them directly into bryce? I have both programs and carrara but haven't done much in Bryce yet short of creating a couple terrains. I haven't tried to use my DS content yet.
Just curious you have to import the objects from DS, cannot load them directly into bryce? I have both programs and carrara but haven't done much in Bryce yet short of creating a couple terrains. I haven't tried to use my DS content yet.
You need to import them into Bryce, either by using the built in bridge or by exporting from DS and then importing them into Bryce. Bryce is not a program for setting up the figures, For that you need either DS or Poser.
Kharma: I pose the stuff in Studio...then I export as a wavefront object which put it on my desktop with the maps folder and a converted map folder...Then I open Bryce and go file import it shows me the stuff on my desktop and I click on what I want it ...and its in....The reason I do it this way is because of the sorry (useless bridge between Bryce and Daz)....If you want to do this and have any questions please feel free to ask I will help you.....Trish
Chohole: thanks for answering, as I said haven't used Bryce but very little so far, so this is good to know for future :)
Trish: thank you for explaining and offer of help, I will definitely need it when the time :)
Me?? Naah....I have heard rave reviews from pals but never dabbled with it myself. I only acquired my Windows 8 quad core laptop a few months ago, I suppose it would work fine on there. A certain bud told me he was a staunch Poser fan, didn't like Bryce because it requires too much postwork, so he said. :) I can't say a lot since I'm only a beginner n00b. I don't mind a little postwork, I'm used to that!
Post work No not always, depends what you are going for.
No postwork on this one
@Trish: WOW, that is freaking amazing!! :lol: Personally I would not be at all concerned if I never learned how to make realistic human figures in any program... I'm a huge fan of landscapes and abstract works also...having been a photographer for many years and recently gotten into abstract art... Of course adding birds and animals would be great....and maybe human figures at a distance where they add to the perspective but I didn't need to worry about precise details...
Great!! I left a comment, teehee...