Search never did work, to much clutter

SnowPheonixSnowPheonix Posts: 896
edited December 1969 in The Commons

I like to collect assets for using... I've bought things on sale here at DAZ that to be honest, I may never use but its nice to have them in the inventory anyways. I'll have to stop buying things that end up in the poser library because its become unmanageable and to make it worse.. my 'search' on DAZ Studio has NEVER worked... Do a search on dimension (or anything) should bring up all those great products I've bought from dimension theory but as always no results...

My catalog has become unmanagable and Its too the point that I can find things and it takes forever to find it when I have to go file by file to find certain items... I've used the Install manager to search out my assets to bring up the info docs on them so I can locate where certain things are located... I mean, its not like all my Cafe interior are located in a file called cafe or interior ... it could be under the creators name or something else... How do I get the search to actually work? How do I get my different sets to be more manageable and easy to locate?


  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449
    edited December 1969

    You need to sort the old fashion way, with multiple categorized runtimes/libraries. The following pictures shows my Content Directory Manager in DS and DIM's Installation tab in Preferences (click the little cog icon), you'll see the paths are identical. Final image is DIM's Ready to Install tab, two things to note, the Show Details box is checked and that bar after Content Path Shortcuts is a button to change the current install location. When downloading be sure the Install After Download isn't checked so you can sort as you go.

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  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    The search function in the Content Library pane works well for me, but it relies on the CMS to be running as a Process, if if wan't running Smart Content and Categories wouldn't work either, so we'll count that out.

    The other problem may be what you are searching. To the right of the search box, just before the little magnifying glass, there is a dropdown where you can select File or Database. One searches by filename, the other searches the Metadata in the database for your search criteria. Which one were you using?

    I just tried with 'dimension' and I don't have a load of stuff from that vendor, but searching onFile brings up nothing, because none of the Files have the name 'dimension' in them. When I switch to Database, the search runs in a fraction of the time, and it brings up '275' items from the database, mostly Lights and Shaders. Try that.

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,956
    edited December 1969

    You may need to learn to sort things -

  • SnowPheonixSnowPheonix Posts: 896
    edited December 1969

    The search function in the Content Library pane works well for me, but it relies on the CMS to be running as a Process, if if wan't running Smart Content and Categories wouldn't work either, so we'll count that out.

    The other problem may be what you are searching. To the right of the search box, just before the little magnifying glass, there is a dropdown where you can select File or Database. One searches by filename, the other searches the Metadata in the database for your search criteria. Which one were you using?

    I just tried with 'dimension' and I don't have a load of stuff from that vendor, but searching onFile brings up nothing, because none of the Files have the name 'dimension' in them. When I switch to Database, the search runs in a fraction of the time, and it brings up '275' items from the database, mostly Lights and Shaders. Try that.

    On mine it doesn't matter if I search for file or database and I can search any term including DAZ and get zero results... I've always gotten zero results. CMS? What is that and how do I get that running if its not? I am a stickler for turning off all the programs that I don't know what they do... That might be my issue.

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    CMS is the Content Management Service, and it is installed as part of the main DAZ Studio install.

    If you look in Task Manager, you should see it listed as a Process (Show Processes from All Users) as ContentManagementServer.exe, and also in the Services tab as DAZContentServiceManagementService.

    If it does not appear there, then you will have to start it from the Start menu, All Programs > DAZ 3D > DAZ Content Management Service. The CMS controls what is displayed in the Smart Content pane, Products and Categories, the search function in the Content Library pane, and also the Autofit plugin.

    CMS is vital for many elements, and should be left running, it takes up very little room, and it definitely does not 'phone home'.

  • SnowPheonixSnowPheonix Posts: 896
    edited December 1969

    CMS is the Content Management Service, and it is installed as part of the main DAZ Studio install.

    If you look in Task Manager, you should see it listed as a Process (Show Processes from All Users) as ContentManagementServer.exe, and also in the Services tab as DAZContentServiceManagementService.

    If it does not appear there, then you will have to start it from the Start menu, All Programs > DAZ 3D > DAZ Content Management Service. The CMS controls what is displayed in the Smart Content pane, Products and Categories, the search function in the Content Library pane, and also the Autofit plugin.

    CMS is vital for many elements, and should be left running, it takes up very little room, and it definitely does not 'phone home'.

    Sounds good... I'm one of those people that likes his machine running at peek levels by shutting down all those 'little' programs that end up being a lot. Everythings a trade off...I think for me I'm just going to make a rule concerning items that I buy and maybe even start possibly thinking about removing some favorite old classics... Now that we are in the HD revolution, I'm going to do my best to only buy G2m/f focused products.

    Lots of space for things tied to the new HD characters. :)

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