Genesis Barbarian Wanderer

New out and it looks awesome. No Poser Companion files though, and I never know if it because the artist just didn't want to or if there was a Unable to convert issue. so, if anybody has it and tries to use it in Poser let me know what success it had.
I think in this case, the outfit is in DSF format, not the newer DUF format, so it's just not DSON-ready out of the box.
I didn't catch that, I wonder why it is in DSF rather than DUF??
I wonder that, too.
Consider that not everyone has the money to buy Poser.
It's old format because it went through QA in February of LAST year, before there was such a thing as DSON. :D
It shows up in the promos for some of my other Genesis items, like the Bugbear and the Gnome.