Gallery Broken?

For me it seems the gallery is broken. When I click from the shop on one of the gallery winners I'm taken to a page with gallery thumbnails and it seems the gallery is trying to load the image selected but never succeeds. See image 1 and 2 below.
If I click on the Gallery menu, I get the page with the gallery thumbnails but when I then click on any of the thumbnails the same thing happens, it seems the page tries to load the thumbnail but never succeeds.
I tested this with Firefox, Chrome and IE 8. Very frustrating.
I'm located in Belgium so maybe the loading is too slow and the thing times out?

1296 x 1080 - 342K

1296 x 1080 - 341K
I just tried this, and the image you were trying to load works fine for me, they all do, and they come up in around one second.
I am using IE10, but I tried it on Chrome as well, still works. Doesn't help you much I'm afraid, but it does work. I also have a 16 MB connection which may help too.
Fine for me as well, FF22 and a lousy broadband service.
Here at work I have 24Mbit/s :-/
This problem happens to me, too, when I use Firefox. I think the problem is the hashtag. If I remove it, the page loads just fine.
I know that this can be fixed in the settings of the website...
At home it seems to work now for me too, with the hashtags. Strange....
Ask your IT's? Some idiot just had to upload an image that was not only a violation of the TOS but just plain disgusting at just the right (or should I say wrong) time. IT was doing it's regular spot checks of accepted sites and there it was. Needless to say, they consigned DAZ to the no-no category do fast I don't even think the bytes had time to blink.
That was followed by a less than pleased email from the higher ups. Now, if I need to shop DAZ for a client have to go through the same red tape I have to go through to use Rendo and RDNA. Pain in the tush. DAZ could have skipped the galleries for all I care. I know it's just a handful of idiots but DAZ needs to stop tossing everything out in beta and trying to fix things as they go along.
I have been suffering with this problem too, and I'm grateful for the hash removal suggestion. This at least enables me to view the images and progress through the index pages, even if it is a laborious kludge.
Previously I had tried disabling pop-up and banner blockers in IE and Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 to no avail.
Just noticed now that opening a gallery link in a new tab will not include the hash symbol in the address bar, and the page renders successfully. Makes life easier.
Wow! yes, much better with the new tab and no hash ... otherwise the 'next' page took so long to load I thought it was simply a blank website page [no entries showing]. FF.
Not sure if I should create another thread, but I can only create private galleries, the public option is not available. Someone else get this too?