Not understanding the Genesises...

These are going to be very stupid questions, and I apologize for that, but I visit this site infrequently, and am not keeping up with the latest developments. I tried the wiki, but didn't find what I was looking for.
Oh and I'm a Poser user...
Here are my questions:
1: Is Genesis 2 the same base figure as Genesis 1?
If the answer is no, I guess that sorts out these other questions as well:
2: Will Genesis 1 be overwritten if I install Genesis 2?
3: If I install Genesis 2, can I still use my morph and character sets for Genesis 1?
Thank you for your patience! :)
1. No
2. No
3. In G2, no. In G1, yes.
Genesis and Genesis 2 are completely different figures - I believe Genesis 2 has separate Female and Male base figures, where Genesis 1 has only the single figure that can be either gender.. I have both installed and each loads separately without any issues.
Thank you very much, you are both awesome :)