Store prices

NosiferretNosiferret Posts: 339
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Little confused. I am seeing some items in the store advertised at 65% off, but when I click on them they are only showing up at 30% or not on sale. Like the Genesis Supersuit pro bundle is on sale for 65% showing it as $34.98 but when I click on it to look at it in depth, it is now 30% off and showing a price of $69.97. I've cleared my cache thinking that might have been it, but nothing has changed. Is this another so called "glitch"?


  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    edited December 1969

    You might be stuck in the infamous "am I or am I not logged in" loop. When you look at the top right corner links, does it show your proper numbers for items in your cart and wishlist, and does it show "log in" or "log out"? If you're not sure, try a log out/log in and see if that fixes it. Another possibility is if you're a Platinum Club member; if you are, and you've just logged back in again, check your status in your Account page. The store occasionally hiccups and loses track of these things. :roll:

  • acanthisacanthis Posts: 604
    edited December 1969

    More likely you were stuck in the infamous "Sale End" misdirection. That's when a sale event has ended but the thumbnails for the product still show the sale prices. Probably this is something to do with the way pages are cached on the web server, or through the cloud backup system (whose name I forget now) they use.

  • NosiferretNosiferret Posts: 339
    edited December 1969

    Yeah I was logged in, I tried logging out and going back in and same thing and then I cleared the cache and went back in and same thing. So I don't know. I guess don't count on the price being real until you see it at the check out I suppose. Oh well :)

    Thanks for answering! :coolsmile:

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