Face Shop 8

(shakes head, deep sigh) Please, please take what I am about to say in the spirit that it is given. I really like the program. However, there were some things that happened this time that I feel worth mentioning and I feel it necessary to air this in public so that others may read it and help them to install Face Shop 8. First off DIM wont install it. Sorry. In your manual, you say to use the Daz installer, DIM will not install this. Right after you purchase and proceed to download, there is only a manual download available. Now in all fairness, I understand NOW that the manual was "more than likely" referring to the install screen where it asks which version, stand-a-lone or Daz, etc etc. But given the other circumstances, It blew right past me.
Secondly, when you run the program, you go to the load screen. Fine. Not a problem. But you mouseover the buttons on the right, nothing indicates that it is clickable...to me...that means the program is frozen, non-op, will not function.
And last but not least, after installing the program the icon for the NEW version 8 DOES NOT CHANGE!!!! (runs thru street, naked, screaming)
I gonna tell this on myself, so everyone can get a good laugh. I spent 2 hours installing this program! Yep! Two hours! Me! A computer tech for 20 years! Two hours...and it took 30 seconds to install....LOL. There is one more little issue, I had purchased the version 7.02 from their website. So I took that serial number and pasted it where it asked me to and promptly got an error message "Wrong Serial Number". Using just the serial no. from Daz and not checking the upgrade option on the install menu...it worked fine.
How did I get it installed you asked? I deleted version 7.02 (which really wasn't there, but no icon change remember) and every reference I could find to Face Shop. Downloaded the program again and methodically went thru the process and noted the changes. Ok...I feel better now...LMAO! You all have a good day!