Beware paying for Platimum Club Membership via Paypal!!!!

I took out a PC membership in September and as I did not want to renew it after 3 months I cancelled it pretty much straight away. So, for the past 3 moths the status of my PC membership was displayed as 'Cancelled' in my DAZ Platinum Club page. However what i did not realise was that DAZ sets up a recurring payment in your Paypal account which dos not get cancelled when you cancel the membership, hence I got charged for another three months! I have now manually cancelled the recurring payment from within Paypal but just wanted to warn the rest of you about this inn case you get caught out too.
I sent a request to DAZ support requesting a refund but have not heard anything back. If anyone from DAZ is reading this, please can you get back to me so we can sort this out.
n/m :)
I think it's more a PayPal thing as DAZ can not turn off that payment in your account only you can do that. Been caught myself, I'm sure you'll have no troubles with the refund just takes time, remember they are a very small business staff wise.
Even if you uncheck auto renew and remove the payment method on your DAZ account page, you still need to log into your PayPal account, go to My Subscriptions and cancel the subscription payments. This is something the PayPal member must do manually.