V5 Pro Suit - Missing Files to download

Hi, just have bought thr V5 Pro Suit Package and I was able to download and install all files via the DIM except:
Genesis Evolution: Headmorphs
Genesis Evolution: Bodymorphs
these files are not listet in the DIM ready to download list.
and downloading via DIM at the product lirbary doesn`t work, everytime I click on the button download and install button I get a notice that this link needs a path but what path shall I choose?
And how does it work with the gen prob when it comes to textures? G2F gens no problem but with Gens for Genesis? How does texturing of this prob works? How do I get this gen prob textured and that way, that it is fully textured, not half?
Post edited by cosmo71 on
The same bad experience I had with genesis evo morphs back with ds4 and ds 4.5 but there I was able to install the bodymorphs, facemorphs never worked.
One, not the only reason I hate Genesis, I need shapes for the face and the body, so DAZ get it fixed, I have payed for these Morphs
So downloaded and installed the evo morphs via the product library with the download manager, where are the shapes for the face? where I can found nipple morphs for example? IT DOES NOT WORK DAZ AND I AM VERY ANGRY
The Product Page says:
That means, that you will find sliders for these morphs in the Parameters pane. You can search in Parameters by selecting 'All' and entering a search term. When I enter the term 'nipples', I get four separate sliders, Nipples, Nipples Depth, Nipples Diameter and Nipples Volume.
That means, that you will find sliders for these morphs in the Parameters pane. You can search in Parameters by selecting 'All' and entering a search term. When I enter the term 'nipples', I get four separate sliders, Nipples, Nipples Depth, Nipples Diameter and Nipples Volume.
And the face shapes like cheeks sink, chin depth and so????? they are not there
the only morph for nipples I have is nipple diameter, nothing else
I started the DIM from my desktop and refreshed it right after I have bought all these products, a lot of these things I have bought were listed but not the Evolution Morphs, so something must be wrong
Select the Genesis figure in the Scene pane (not a body part), then type 'nipple' into the search box with 'All' selected.
This is what I get, and they are listed as part of the Evo body morphs.
If you don't see all four of these, then you will need to check in the DIM to see what was installed. You could try uninstalling them, and reinstalling again. You could also look in the log file, Help > Troubleshooting > View Log File to see if there are any errors when Genesis loads.
Also, make sure that you are loading a 'fresh' Genesis figure form the Library, and not a saved scene.
That means, that you will find sliders for these morphs in the Parameters pane. You can search in Parameters by selecting 'All' and entering a search term. When I enter the term 'nipples', I get four separate sliders, Nipples, Nipples Depth, Nipples Diameter and Nipples Volume.
there are no sliders....nothing for nipples for example and for the face I have no spaping morphs like cheeks sink or chin depth or lips peak, nothing
no sliders except the nipple diameter slider
I started from the beginning, totally new genesis and...no evomorphs...I have the shape shift, the "race" morphs, the v4 morph, the v5 morph, everything but no EVO MORPHS
so uninstalled and installed new, I have now the body morphs but no shaping morphs for the face (head), mouth and so
okay, I have uninstalled all evo morphs again and installed them new and now I have all morphs.
But what is with the texture for the gen prob? how does it work for genesis? G2F is no problem but for Genesis?
Other than for G2F the hip texture of Genesis doesn`t work correct on the prob