HELP my dragon exploded!

I tried using my MilDragon2 and it ...idk D: Idk how this happened. I have attached images.
The first is a render I did earlier with the exact same textures.
The second is the unrendered current pic
The third is the rendered
the fourth is the settings...
idgi ): it was fine earlier
things different though:
used the subdragon hair n the mild dragon with careful planning and movement
changed eyeball color
warped pupil with parameter dials so that it wasn't visible
changed body shape with parameter dials.
wtf ):
pretty sure i haven't changed the render settings either since the last image...
and the only thing i changed in the material settings were the eyes and i didn't mess with displacement.

654 x 580 - 46K

1220 x 642 - 769K

1232 x 638 - 540K

1220 x 642 - 2M
Actually, I think you did some cool looking fellows!
I really like the top figure--a lot like Saphira in the Eragon movie (the film was like a High-School-Musical-version-hack-job of the book, but the dragon was gorgeously done!) Wing angles look a little odd, but other than that, pretty decent!
I've been looking for a way to do furred dragons, too. It's rather tough to find a ballance for the fur thickness & hair length and still have an impressive looking dragon.
Your furred dragon isn't too awful--the pelt may be a bit too thick for my tastes, but you've definitely got the makings of a good figure there.
Thank you
but my problem is, is the fur isn't supposed to be that thick.
As I said they're the same textures and render settings as the winged dragon except I just changed the body a little and added some other stuff. So I don't know what's going on with that explosion of fur ): and idk how to fix it.
Thank you
but my problem is, is the fur isn't supposed to be that thick.
As I said they're the same textures and render settings as the winged dragon except I just changed the body a little and added some other stuff. So I don't know what's going on with that explosion of fur ): and idk how to fix it.
Try lowering the displacement bounds by half and see if that softens things. Can you show a screen shot of node set up for texture in the material room?
Swidhelm's Orthidrokontis over at Rendo has both conforming feathered wings, hair and dynamic membrane wings for use in the cloth room. He also has a set for the MilDragon that work on MilDragon2.
Try lowering the displacement bounds by half and see if that softens things. Can you show a screen shot of node set up for texture in the material room?
Swidhelm's Orthidrokontis over at Rendo has both conforming feathered wings, hair and dynamic membrane wings for use in the cloth room. He also has a set for the MilDragon that work on MilDragon2.
But what doesn't make any sense is that I used the exact same texture with the exact same settings on the first image, and didn't even change anything other than body shape, and the displacement just explodes for no reason.
i even reloaded the texture from scratch, and it still did the same thing.
it's the displacement, but i don't understand WHY.
Because I turned off displacement and it looks better in the way that it's not exploding but looks like crap without displacement.
i hope my whole entire poser isn't glitching up and ruining everything now because this just doesn't make sense.
and i don't know what you want me to screenshot.
It was just a suggestion. Why did it do it? I don't know why Poser does half the things it does sometimes and half the things it won't do at others.
Stupid question: did you render the first picture with a former version of Poser?
There was a gap/step/whatever in the way Poser is reading Bump/Displacement settings between Poser versions. (I am hazy about the version number or exactly what to do apart from changing settings by hand)
Or did you change the Display Units in General Preferences?