how you think about this in the gallery...already deleted

now we get something like this in the Gallery
already deleted
that was quick
Post edited by Ruphuss on
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now we get something like this in the Gallery
already deleted
that was quick
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well I think it is a disgrace....well I would have if I had seen it....what was it?. :)
Whatever it was it does demonstrate that the Gallery mods are really on top of their job, so we should congratulate them for a job well done.
I couldn't agree more cho....I have been reporting some but at the rate they are getting uploaded I soon loose the will to live. :)
I know. I did think it would slow down some, but 29 pages in the last 2½ days since I put my latest one up :roll:
the old fashioned u/l doesn't work for me.
can't they give an alternative u/l method for people without chrome or the latest firefox?
DA has drag and drop and it works for my browser.
Wouldn't it make sense to limit people's ability to upload into the Gallery? I mean to just a couple of images a day? It would prevent people from uploading just anything at all...
It kind of defeats the purpose / value of it when uploaders aren't showing some self restraint. Makes the viewers not want to even bother.
I know I do not venture into the Galleries just because of the deluge of content. It's like an Old West land rush right now and probably won't diminish for quite some time.
Most of the images to the galleries have been truly outstanding. It is unfortunate for the few morons think they can upload disgusting content. But the quick response by the moderators is making the viewing experience even better. The filtering system has come along way from a couple weeks back when those triple X images were floating around for a while. Big thumbs up for the hard work the moderators are doing.
Actually, I still can't even get into the Galleries, so it's a moot point for me.
I am able to see one image full size, then everything else comes up as a blank page. Clear Cookies, can see one full size image again, then all blank pages until Cookies are cleared again.
The galleries are definitely squirrelly to control using a android tablet's web browser. The popup "thumbnail lightbox" for the image browser has a nasty habit of center in screen and obscure current image viewing.
One of my pet peeves is those people who come along, upload a whole bunch of images without even a simple category on them, let only any note of software or products used and no tags. That is of course why they can upload so many images so quickly and thus hog a whole page or more in the New section, but it isn't being fair on others, who want to browse the artwork.
Some want to browse by software, some want to browse by category, etc etc, and of course some are also interested in what was used to make the image and how it was done.
This a 1000 times @_@
I most heartily agree.....
Its also possible that these people can't add tags categories and Made with items and have just given up trying.
We're trying to come up with a fair solution to the problem of people spamming (for lack of a better word) the galleries with their images. In the mean time you can change the view of the gallery to "most liked" in the past 24 hours.
I agree with Legionair - limit the number of images that can be loaded per day...many online galleries do that anyway, so it wouldn't be unusual. Or maybe implement some kind of system where you can upload more according to some criteria (I would suggest something like PC members can upload x more per day than non members, but I'm guessing
most of the registered customers might be PC members, so that might not be a solution).
This might sound elitist, but that's not what I intend...
But what if there were "tiers" to gallery participation.
First tier being the general user. Upload limitations. Closer scrutiny on what is uploaded.
Second tier. Semi proven contributors. They've proven they are responsible and not as much diligence is required to monitor them.
Third tier. Proven contributors. No need for supervision. Not a moderator, so to speak, but exhibits the same responsibility from their uploads.
The idea being not to discourage activity, but encourage responsible activity as well as making the galleries more accessible to viewers.
It might also be nice to have a "Work in Progress" and "Help" sections that don't show up under the New splash. That way there is a place for those types of images without clustering up a page with a dozen variations on the same project.
I've made the suggestion a couple of times of some sort of Flood control, where you can only upload one image every so often (about the length of time it takes to tag and categorize an image slightly more complicated than a pin-up as a minimum), but I've never seen anyone acknowledge how practical or not it would be.
The galleries are definitely squirrelly to control using a android tablet's web browser. The popup "thumbnail lightbox" for the image browser has a nasty habit of center in screen and obscure current image viewing.
This is one of my "web designer pet peeves" too, that most conceptual people don't get.
Context sensitive drop down menus are great for traditional laptops and desktops, but they are headaches for tablets and phones.
It makes you have to design an alternate method to access the site, which ends up being more complicated script and (sometimes) a loss of real estate. I've fought this battle professionally numerous times, but most non-technical people don't get it.
Until, of course, they try to access their spiffy new site with their iPad.
Trust me, we've read suggestions and I've passed some of them along. Unfortunately implementing most of the suggestions creates unintended consequences. We have to think through and plan for all possible outcomes when we make a change. We can't just change things willy nilly.
Like I said, it is an issue that we are aware of and we have been and will continue to brainstorm ideas. I will continue to bring up suggestions I read here in the forums.
PS - Just because I don't acknowledge a suggestion doesn't mean I didn't read or see it.
I've made the suggestion a couple of times of some sort of Flood control, where you can only upload one image every so often (about the length of time it takes to tag and categorize an image slightly more complicated than a pin-up as a minimum), but I've never seen anyone acknowledge how practical or not it would be.
Retro-active attribution to you. I am pretty sure I read one of your posts saying such and it stuck in my head. It only just occurred to me when you jogged my memory.
I know I paraphrased it in my earlier post.
Honestly, I am surprised that there isn't some sort of Gallery benefit for being a Platinum Club member. It would be a relatively cheap (if not free) benefit to list under membership.
[Sorry about all the posts. I just got back from lunch and had my 5-Hour Energy drink to power thru the afternoon.]
No. We don't have a restriction on how many images someone can post nor do we want them. Initially there is going to be a flood of people uploading their older renders they already have that they want posted, but it will slow down and normalize. Putting in restrictions seemed silly to us since all we could think is it would hinder people sharing their artwork.
reaction on my first attempt on this issue
It's difficult to call one person a "proven contributor" and another person one who isn't without some specific criterion.
Keep it simple.
Limit the number of images that a single member can upload per day.
All images must be tagged.
Before any image can be uploaded the member should have to agree to the TOS. That way they can't hide behind the "I didn't know" or "I couldn't find them" excuse.
If a member violates the TOS then take action. If it's a blatant and complete violation as the image that was cited was, ban the member from the galleries.
If the member misinterpreted the TOS, then issue a warning the first time, suspend them from the gallery for a specific period of time and if there's a third violation then ban them.
I know. It's not really all that simple. None of this is.
Only other option is to have the images upload to the server, held and reviewed by the mods before being placed in the galleries. This would be a real pain for both the mods and the members.
Why is it a handful of idiots have to do their darndest to screw things up?
So those of us that upload on a time when not many people are online, don't deserve to get our pictures seen? Don't get me wrong.. but that "most liked" just makes me wonder why I should bother uploading at all. Since I know my pictures are simply not getting many, if any, likes.
I do know I am not the best artist around here, but I don't believe my pictures are so bad that they dont' deserve to be seen either. Whenever I do upload a picture, most of the time it is on page 3-4 within an hour. And if it ain't seen it won't get any likes.. and therefore ain't going to be seen since it's not popular... And thana that circle is there. Frankly speaking, that is somewhat how I feel about the contest too truth to be told. It's just a game of popularity. I am not saying that is how it was planned (and please, do correct me if I am wrong about this, but that is the impression I have gotten *sorry*), but that is the impression it gives, as it is only pictures with many likes that seem to have a chance. I do admit that the pictures has deserved to win, but there are those pictures with less likes (not counting my own as I hardly think I do have a chance) that also deserve it... but don't seem to get the chance because they don't have the likes.
Sorry that this turned into a mini rant of sort, but it's been on my mind for some time and it just saddens me truth to be told
So those of us that upload on a time when not many people are online, don't deserve to get our pictures seen? Don't get me wrong.. but that "most liked" just makes me wonder why I should bother uploading at all. Since I know my pictures are simply not getting many, if any, likes.
I do know I am not the best artist around here, but I don't believe my pictures are so bad that they dont' deserve to be seen either. Whenever I do upload a picture, most of the time it is on page 3-4 within an hour. And if it ain't seen it won't get any likes.. and therefore ain't going to be seen since it's not popular... And thana that circle is there. Frankly speaking, that is somewhat how I feel about the contest too truth to be told. It's just a game of popularity. I am not saying that is how it was planned (and please, do correct me if I am wrong about this, but that is the impression I have gotten *sorry*), but that is the impression it gives, as it is only pictures with many likes that seem to have a chance. I do admit that the pictures has deserved to win, but there are those pictures with less likes (not counting my own as I hardly think I do have a chance) that also deserve it... but don't seem to get the chance because they don't have the likes.
Sorry that this turned into a mini rant of sort, but it's been on my mind for some time and it just saddens me truth to be told
I kind of agree with you. It all comes down to what people like really. I've seen a fair amount of really high quality images that I feel should have more likes, but they dont. It's all a matter of taste. I click on most liked in 24 hours and go through maybe 5-6 pages before going back to the latest entries to see what gems there might be up until the last image I remember seeing before logging off.
So those of us that upload on a time when not many people are online, don't deserve to get our pictures seen? Don't get me wrong.. but that "most liked" just makes me wonder why I should bother uploading at all. Since I know my pictures are simply not getting many, if any, likes.
I do know I am not the best artist around here, but I don't believe my pictures are so bad that they dont' deserve to be seen either. Whenever I do upload a picture, most of the time it is on page 3-4 within an hour. And if it ain't seen it won't get any likes.. and therefore ain't going to be seen since it's not popular... And thana that circle is there. Frankly speaking, that is somewhat how I feel about the contest too truth to be told. It's just a game of popularity. I am not saying that is how it was planned (and please, do correct me if I am wrong about this, but that is the impression I have gotten *sorry*), but that is the impression it gives, as it is only pictures with many likes that seem to have a chance. I do admit that the pictures has deserved to win, but there are those pictures with less likes (not counting my own as I hardly think I do have a chance) that also deserve it... but don't seem to get the chance because they don't have the likes.
Sorry that this turned into a mini rant of sort, but it's been on my mind for some time and it just saddens me truth to be told
I understand your concerns / frustrations completely. I echo them and have echoed them in the past in variety of mediums. I really, honestly do and I am not trying to pay you lip service. The popularity contest thing happens all the time and its hard to vocalize those concerns / feelings without it sounding like "sour grapes."
I have been on both sides of this coin, as a contributor that feels overlooked and as a judge that tries to justify the decision (or feels torn when the crowd picks a lesser choice).
There is one thing that does give me a little bit of comfort and I thought I would share...
The initial win, the one that starts the "popularity" seems to be 45% Luck, 45% Timing and 10% Skill.
Your skill will only take you so far. Then you need to have the right timing for when your work gets viewed. And then the luck of it striking the right chord with the viewer(s). That provides the momentum that carries your work on.
But it is a double edged sword. There will always be the (I don't want to use this phrase, but no other good phrase comes to mind) "lesser artist" who manages to cater to the masses (fan service, etc.) and generates buzz from themselves. The vast majority of these people don't do it intentionally, but there are some that knowingly "play the system" to get ahead.
Please don't anyone take this personally. These view points are actually in reference to other mediums I have been involved with. And I am not calling out anyone here. I'm not even calling out anyone from those experiences. I just approach it logically to try and make sense of it.
What adds to the 'unfairness' of the galleries are the bugs hindering some people from adding tags etc this needs to be sorted its very frustrating.
And sorry I really really dislike the idea of segregating the members into different classes, who would decide who went where.
it's funny that listing content used is a requirement in order to be considered for the gallery contest but one of the winner (in the first contest) that daz chose had no content listed
I wasn't suggesting segregating.
It was more of a trust issue. If the moderators of the website feel that they can trust a particular use's submissions (i.e. they have uploaded in the past without trolling, haven't violated the TOS, etc.) then less oversight is needed for that user. That doesn't segregate their images to a "better class" just means that its one less person that has to be monitored all the time.
Almost every organization, website, etc. has some sort of trial period where a new user has to prove themselves. Some forums restrict the posting of links or images to discourage spam and trollers. Other sites restrict the users access to certain sub forums. Even most jobs do this by putting new employees under probationary periods where they are under closer scrutiny.
I don't know why anyone would expect this would be different.
to add to what you've said, i've noticed a few who have even re-uploaded the same bunch images a second time to get their work on the front page again. (i may have just given you a greater pet peeve now)
I don't know if there's a rule covering this but if you see it I would certainly report it so that the Gallery team can review the situation.