Poser 9 on sale again from SM, even cheaper!

3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,689
edited December 1969 in Poser Discussion

If you're on the Smith Micro newsletters/offers mailing list and are kicking yourself for not picking up Poser 9 at $29.99 recently, then go check your email - it's on offer again for just $24.99. The offer's only valid till 8th December for digital downloads only - no sign of the offer on other sites yet.

The email seems genuine - the link is to the fastspring website as before. If there's no email in your inbox (or you're cautious like me!) keep an eye on the other sites - iirc Renderosity and RDNA had ads for the previous offer a few days after the email appeared.

(and if you do get it this time don't forget to download and install the updates from http://poser.smithmicro.com/poser9-updates.html )


  • DaremoK3DaremoK3 Posts: 798
    edited December 1969

    I received the newsletter as well, and can confirm this is a legitimate offer from SmithMicro, just like the last one (I was coming here to give a heads up; you beat me to it, 3dcheapskate).

    I did not notice the individual pricing was lower, but the bundle price is the same as last time, and they even threw in an extra program. Instead of three software bundle for $49.99, you get four programs.

    The fourth one is one I don't know about (ScatterShow), but the third one has been changed from AnimeStudio (as with the last bundle I purchased) to MotionArtist.

    Jump on this before it disappears again if you have been wanting any of these programs, or needing to upgrade from earlier versions. I know I was happy to finally upgrade to Poser 9 (from 6), and always wanted MangaStudio.

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