Michael textures

OK, so maybe I'm showing my newbie side by asking this but what is the real difference between Michael 4 - 5 and 6? Is it just the texture resolution?
So if I take a high resolution texture from M6 and apply it to M3 will it essentially make the render as good as M6?
No They are completely different figures
Here is a quick History of the various generations of DAZ 3D figures http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/24257/
Don't worry, I've asked dumber questions here.
Gens 3, 4, 5 and now 6 each have unique UV sets. Where each Generation line is an entirely difference mesh base from before (with the exception Gen 5 and Gen 6 where they're both Genesis-based). Because of this, each line has different texture mapping. However, Genesis is able to switch between Gen 4, 5 and 6 UV's where the mapping split it within proportion between each other (some products are required allow Gen 6 to use Gen 4 UV's). For other means of UV conversion, such as Gen 3, products like Texture Convertour 2 allow for redrawing of the textures themselves to be used on the character plug-in.
I know the meshes are different.... I mean as far as resolution. If I use a high res image texture will the resolution be as good as M5 or 6 if I use it on M3?
I don't see why not. The resolution is in the texture, not necessarily the mesh itself, unless we're involving things like bump mapping. The relatively lower number of polygons could prove troublesome without a significant amount of smoothing.