$27.99 for PaintShop Pro X6 Ultimate NOW

PaintShop Pro X6 Ultimate
Now on Amazon. Lots of enhancements. Best of all is X64 support. If they want to put you on a wait list, do it. They will let you know when you can take the deal.
1 hr 45 min left!
Post edited by Wiccan1 on
I picked it up last week direct from Corel for $35AUS ;)
with added goodies :)
The ultimate version does come with extra goodies. All you need to do is register on the Corel site, and you can get the additional down loads.. Corel is actually the vendor selling on Amazon. :)
I love the app!
i upgraded mine a couple weeks ago during corel's sale. X6 is awesome
Amazon is having amazing deals on all sorts of Software. I picked up Poser 10 for 64 last night.
On the W/L. Thanks Wiccan1!!!
I may see if I can upgrade my x5.