Pierrot outfit?

Okay, for various bizarre reasons I may be needing a Pierrot costume suitable for putting on Genesis or Genesis 2. The traditional costume which is rather like very loose pajamas with a tunic-length full shirt. Traditionally it's white with black pom-poms.
I'm not sure that there actually is anything out there which is an exact match, but there ought to be something that comes close.
Basically what I need is this:
Any suggestions?

367 x 532 - 295K
not easy...
maybe something dynamic?
or (not dynamic)
Don't know the difference in clown or Pierrot costume.
But something liie this...?
If yes, see the 10 sec. YouTube vid: http://youtu.be/pDb--014kh0
Searching ...
Look what Scorpio did here:
Thanks! That nails the pants at least. The Echo outfit doesn't come up in a store search, so I'm assuming it's from somewhere else. I'll keep hunting for something closer to the source for the top, but this gets me closer.
Of course the treatment I want to do may not get approved anyway, but I might just go ahead and do it once the semester is over.
The echo outfit is available at Renderosity its by Prae.
I used something else once with long sleeves but can't for the life of me remember what.
I found this image I did.
It uses the Peasant tunic as a top
Great! That will do excellently. Even if it does have a waist. Thank you!.
Like I say, the treatment may not get approval, but I'm more or less set if it does.