Christmas clothing

I'd like to see some Christmas clothing... seasonal items and a nice Christmas themed set with 'fairy lights' and maybe evening twinkling Christmas decorations at night. I know DAZ has some old V3 stuff but its definitely time to do new versions with better materials.
I'd like to see Male and Female santa outfits and something interesting with the theme, "Christmas's Future" in mind.
Congrats on the new HD characters btw... that was a nice present. Now lets see more HD character skins to go with the HD mesh. Love the direction you guys have taken... character realism has just jumped tenfold.. Great job.
I hope you continue to support HD M6 and V6 with HD elite characters.

749 x 535 - 41K
Simple thing to do is to retexture outfits to match the season
This is a texture I made for my son when he wated something different for Trogg for Christmas. (His render)
My Mum made it for me
I like the render:) Very cute.
I think it would be best if DAZ came out with some new clothing and textures. The stuff they have in stock now is outdated. Time for some HD textures.
DAZ had Santa Baby for Genesis last December. There might have been others. I can't hunt for a link because it's the first Monday of the month and it's almost time for a...staff meeting! Someone, please, shoot me now and save me from the misery.
Couldn't have been that bad... (g) Anyways, I did the search myself and found it.. now I have a great female outfit for Christmas... Yeah I even bought the texture set too.. bit pricey. I wonder how that outfit looks on a male character since genesis is a Unisex model.. LOL
Anyways, thanks for your help. That's a great start but come on.. wheres the male outfit.. Doesn't Santa deserve clothes too? :)
Investing in shaders along with learning to use the Polygon Editor to add material zones is the best way to maximize your content. The outfit below uses all shaders and the fur fringe was made possible by Polygon Editor to add the material zone for the SuperSuit Fur shader.
Well I did make M4 a christmas sweater, using Hardcore.
BTW, don't expect to find HD textures in my collection of cheap and cheerful offerings.
You know.. That Santa Baby outfit seems like a bit of a rushed job but I do love it. Maybe this year they can give 'Santa Baby' an update. I love the fake fur on this... it's perfect. The red on the other hand appears sadly leathery looking and I'm wondering the best way to fix that. I found the auto-fit on this outfit didn't, so I hid the feet and managed to get the coat to fit by fitting it to the dress instead of the character.
It has great potential but it still needs help to look right if I'm going to be able to use it with V6HD.
Any advice?
Which ones would you recommend for this project?
Maybe you can explain how I would fix the Santa baby dress... Have a look.
Maybe you can explain how I would fix the Santa baby dress... Have a look.
what is your shading rate on the render tab? the smaller the number the better the sampling but the longer it takes. Sampling will improve the fur shader and give the dress more detail. Also the type of lighting will impact the effect of the textures.
So I did a quick test the attached picture show the dress rendered in a working light and an uber light. Uber lighting and smaller shading rate ended up taking 2 minutes 43 seconds. verses the less than a minute on the work light.
This is the light set I used InaneGlory's
[quote author="snowpheonix" date="1386015605I've never even clicked on the polygon editor... Can you recommend a good video to explain it? I wouldn't even begin to know what to do with this advice but thanks.
This might help you
OK... So I know that the dude who made the video prefers to select with Lasso.. he said that 5 times but nothing about what you do with your selection once you have it. I still have no idea why I'd even want to use a polygon editor.
Oh... Now I get what you are saying. (took me a while and I had to re-read it) Does DAZ sell any good shader collections that would suite the holiday purpose? I've seen several old collections that didn't really make me want to spend money on them.
OK... So I know that the dude who made the video prefers to select with Lasso.. he said that 5 times but nothing about what you do with your selection once you have it. I still have no idea why I'd even want to use a polygon editor.
So you need to understand that when you create a new group that on the surface tab it will show up as a new surface. So say you want a border running along the top of the dress because you want to see a little black piping. By selecting the polys that run along the edge of the top of the dress you can collect them into a poly group. Once you have this grouped set of polys you can go to the surface tab and for that group use a shader and make it a leather piping or a satin or a velvet trim. You can also make that edge look like fur by using a fur shader such as the fur shader in the Genesis supersuit collection. You can make that area disappear as well by setting the opacity to 0%. I have taken an ankle length coat and made it hip length using this technique. I have added fur to the edge of a bonnet this way as well. Hope this helps you understand what is going on.
Oh... Now I get what you are saying. (took me a while and I had to re-read it) Does DAZ sell any good shader collections that would suite the holiday purpose? I've seen several old collections that didn't really make me want to spend money on them.
This one might fit your needs and is on sale for about another 4 hours
This has the fur shader we were talking about
This is a free set for something like brocade or jacquard
This has many options for different types of cloths. Find an image of a Christmas fabric and you can place it in the diffuse channel in this shader.