Lots of Markdowns in the Store Today

The prices for the V4 and M4 Studio Bundles, as well as most other figures' bundles in Version 5 and 6, are all 50% (or more?) off, so I'm thinking of springing for some of these before I go buying too many individual items that overlap with these, which would raise my overall cost over time.
It looks like the two aforementioned V4 and M4 Studio Bundles have tons of stuff I don't have yet, and they're just a little less than half-off the normally discounted price, which makes them a screaming cheap deal right now. I'm thinking of getting them plus the cloning tools so that all of the content will work with V5, M5, V6, and M6, each of which I have from bundles with Carrara and/or the power up sale.
I'm also thinking of getting The Girl 6 and the Supersuit Pro Suite, because it is so cheap.
I'm willing to spend a couple hundred with these most current markdowns, and I guess I'm just wondering if there's anything I might be forgetting.
Also, some of the bundles are a bit confusing. For example, the "Super Physicality" and various superhero bundles.